revision/slow weight loss

Kathy C.
on 6/4/05 11:08 pm - Madison, WI
Hi -- I had vertical banded gastroplasty in 1983, and in mid-March of this year, I had open rny surgery. Since then, I have lost weight, but very slowly; much slower than my non-revision post-op counterparts. My surgeon never mentioned that this could happen, but I've since heard that this is generally true. Has anyone else had this experience, or heard anything to the effect? It's very frustrating, after years of battling the effects of my previous surgery and the insurance company, to now have to deal with losing only about 1 lb. per week (and sometimes not that...). And yes, I'm doing it "right": no sugar, low fat, low carb, protein (and 3 protein shakes/day), lots of water, vitamins -- the whole schtick.... Kathy
on 6/7/05 4:22 am - Dunedin, FL
Hi Kathy, I too had the VBG in 1983 and lost lots of weight very fast. After about 5 or 6 years I started gaining it back. Well it took a few years but I ended up gaining all the weight back plus about 50 lbs. I had an open revision to the RNY in mid February. I was at my highest weight of 277 in January 2005 but prior to surgery I was able to lose about 18 lbs. Since surgery I have lost about 40 lbs which I believe is a lot less than the non-revision folks. I am very happy to have lost 58 lbs but somewhat disappointed that I haven't lost more. I went on a 10 day trip recently and had a difficult time trying to prepare the protein shakes and since I was "on vacation" I ate out most meals. I did make good food choices. I was in Alaska so there was always some sort of fresh seafood on the menus. A couple of times I probably ate too much or had a taste of a not so healthy food. I was also very active during this period. To my surprise I lost about 6 lbs. So now I'm trying to eat regular foods bu****ching the carbs and proteins. I still have a protein shake for breakfast a few times a week. My surgeon did explain to me that my weight loss after the revision may not be as dramatic as after the VBG so I was at least informed. How much have you lost. Are you exercising regularly? Janice
Kathy C.
on 6/7/05 11:05 am - Madison, WI
Hi Janice -- My high weight was last December, when I weighed 440. At the time of my 2 week pre-op exam, I weighed 427. As of today, I weight 371. My friend had the surgery 3 weeks after I did (no previous wls) and has already lost almost 80 pounds. Weighing so much, I was hoping the intial loss would be a bit more dramatic, and I just wish I would have been warned about what to expect -- it would have made this easier to cope with. Unfortunately, my ability to exercise is limited. First, my incision is not healed yet, even tho I'm almost 3 months out. A large section of it opened up, and then a 4" deep hole formed that has been very slowly closing up, but still about 3/4" deep and still having discharge. So I'm not allowed to get into the pool to do water exercise, or weight train yet until it's all healed. The second problem is that my knees are completely shot -- I can't walk more than a block before I'm limping so severely that I have so stop. That's why I'm anxious to get back into the pool -- completely non-weight bearing and allows me to get a lot of good aerobic activity going.....kathy
Robinn L.
on 7/18/05 3:44 pm - Kent, WA
Hi Janice, I am going to have a revision from JIB done in 1974 to open roux-en-y on Sept 7th. My doctor Ravi Moonka here in Seattle, Washington. Told me when you have a revision the weight loss isn't as dramatic. He told me he could guarantee that I would loose 50lbs. I currently weigh 245. I would like to loose 90lbs. Seems like a lot of work to loose so little. But, I can't diet worth a hill of beans. I talked to his resident the following day and he said they have to be conservative. I may loose more. I am going to ask him to be a little more agressive with me as far as bypassing the intestines. He said, he probably could but he has parameters he has to keep. Regards, Robinn Lea P.S. send me an email and let me know how you are doing.
Just M.
on 6/7/05 9:38 pm - NC
Kathy, I had a revision in Sept 04. To date I have lost 70 lbs. A lot slower than my first RNY in 1997. I was told weight loss would be slow but I didn't think it would be this slow. All I can say, is keep up the work, it will pay off in the end. Take one day at a time. Remember you are getting healther than you were before.
on 6/8/05 9:53 am - indianapolis, IN
Did any of you that had a revision have challenges with getting your insurance company to approve your surgery? I had a staple line breakdown in April 05 and insurance wants to see documentation that I was compliant and medically supervised in my diet from original SRVG surgery in 2002. My hospital still has my files and they went bankrupt and I can not access my bariatric folder. However, I have Dr. Distlear, who performed my first surgery. He will be doing the revision. Have any of you had problems with getting approved and how long did it take and what did you have to do. My doctor did inform me that the weight loss would be slower. I dont necessarily mind that as long as I can loose again. Plus I really dont want anyone to know that I had a revision and it wont show as fast as my first surgery.
peggy B.
on 6/20/05 5:44 am - Randallstown, MD
Hi kathy---I had a revision 1/18/05. I was told that weight lost would be slow on my last visit to the physician by the nurse 5/24/05. I exercise 6-7 days per week 45 minutes to an hour. I follow the rules and in the past five months I have only lost twenty pounds. My post revision weight was between 190 and 200 pounds. I had maintained a 110 pound weight lost for 22 years and I was an exerciser before the revision. My revision was not for weight gain it was because the opening was closing between the pouch and the intestine. So I guess I will have to be happy with the weight I am. Peggy
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/05 10:16 pm - south windsor, CT
i had the VBG in 1991 and went from 300 to 185. over the years and after 2 kids and stress eating from a cheating husband and therapy for issues resulting from childhood sexual abuse, I gained it all back. I had the open RNY March 2004. The weight loss is much slower partly because we know how to get around the pouch. In December 2004 I had lost 85 lbs. (over 10 months, now I weigh 215 and I am a size 16). I also hate the feeling of being full or even having something in my stomach and I drink water or chew ice right after eating, not smart i know. Then for a stupid reason I stopped taking my vitamins and b-12 (not putting myself 1st and treating my body with respect). Then with the holidays I guess I started eating more and just continued. I have not lost another pound and it is now July. My own fault, I never started to exercise (i do home daycare for 4 two year olds so i figured that was activity enough, I guess not) and I do eat just about what a normal person would. thankfully i have not started drinking soda and eating quarts of icecream like i did pre-op. I now chew lots of ice which i thought i was substituting for the icecream, but come to find out i chew it because of an iron deficiency, it's a well known symptom. I just had blood work done and i'm low in iron and b-12 so i have just started back on the vitamins again. I am hoping that it will assist me. i am pleased with my loss but i would really like to weigh 200 or actually 199 so i can say i'm under 200! Also, I'm at that in between stage where a woman's size 16 is too big and a misses size 16 sometimes doesn't fit. I am going to try the plateau recommended diet i found on the site. I'm also considering therapy again so i can change the reasons i eat, the surgery can change the physical but not the mental. I wish you luck and I'm glad to have found some peers.
Sandy in Tucson
on 7/10/05 12:42 pm - Tucson, AZ
My surgeon said it would be slower than most other RNY people. Well, over all I am doing bettr than they are. So, go figure!!! I watch what goes in my mouth...calories do count. the surgery is a tool....we do the work in decieding what we eat. I kkep my calories with protein drinks to 1,000-1,100 calories per day, everyday. I am happy with RNY....alot more follow up....and help if you need it. My first surgery was in 1979. I felt like a guinea pig experiment. Anyways....revision people you can loose...and loose like the just got to follow the plan your Dr. gives you strictly. Sandy in Tucson
Robinn L.
on 7/13/05 12:40 pm - Kent, WA
Hi there! The surgery you had back in 1979. Was that a JIB surgery? I had that surgery in 1974. Now I am waiting approval for the open RNY. My doctor told me because I was a revision that not to expect to loose as much as a person who has never had a revison. I currently weigh 245. He said to expect 50lbs. He said I might loose more. But, could only guarantee 50 lbs. Where do you live? I live in Kent, Wa. I would really like to hear from you. Why not send me an email at or I would appreciate hearing from you. Regards, Robinn Lea
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