needing help
2 years after proximal rny surgery I am only down 50 lbs. At 1 year out I was down 60 lbs and over the last year I put 10 of that back on. I desperately need to get the rest off. Get I get my surgery revised from the rny to something else and possibly get the rest of my weight off.
I've never heard of anyone just loosing 60 lbs with the rny...............
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I was just wondering if your Dr is concerned about this, I have not heard of anyone loosing just 60 lbs either. Maybe your pouch is too large. You may want to discuss this with the Dr. He is a better candidate to discuss a possible revision with at this point. Or even as to what else could be wrong. If his answer is unsatisfactory get a second oppinion to satisfy your own mind,

I also had RNY 13 years ago, started at 310, only lost 70lbs and gained back 80. I didn't know revisions were possible. However, I have lost 60lbs in the last year by cutting out carbs and exercising 2 hours a day. I wonder what qualifies you for a revision? I am no longer 100lbs over weight. I was doing lots of weight lifting and had a body composition test done in a tank of water. My lean body mass is 150lbs making my goal weight 200 to give my 25% body fat. So my BMI is 42 but I am now 60lbs above goal (at 5'6"). I live in fear something will happen and keep me from my exercise routine, an injury perhaps. I have no doubt I will gain if I stop. Also, my insurance company only covers WLS if you have significant co-morbidities if your BMI is below 50! They only cover RNY. I got on this forum because my daughter is going to have a WLS. I only just told her I had this done when she was considering it. After my failure, should she go through with this?