Finally accepted for revision

Melanie H.
on 8/30/04 4:50 am - London, Canada
Hi Lisa; i only know from the many friends who have had the RNY. They are all doing very well even 6 years out. My brother had his just two years ago and is doing well. I so understand that the losing will be slower than if I had not had surgery before, but I will still lose quickly. I am pushing for a distal RNY. I can't have the DS because OHIP does not cover that one. I might opt for that one if I could but I have to do something. The weight is KILLING me. Melanie
on 9/4/04 1:40 am - Howell, MI
There are several Canadian women on the Duodenal Switch message board who had their out-of-country DS surgeries covered by OHIP. Let me know if you want more information.
on 7/29/09 12:02 pm - Atlanta, GA
Interesting information, I am just learining about the Revision. What did your Drs. tell you about the mortality rate compared with the orginal RYN? 
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