Post Revision Feedback...

on 1/11/20 1:25 pm

What testing did you have that showed your stomach was dilated and the opening was too large?

on 1/13/20 5:42 pm

An upper endoscopy.

ironically, in surgery, my surgeon did not change the size of the pouch, he did tighten up the exit hole which has given me some restriction but not as much as I would have liked.

on 1/14/20 12:12 pm
Revision on 05/05/20
on 1/14/20 12:26 pm
Revision on 05/05/20

Thank you for sharing. It helps.

on 1/15/20 4:41 pm
Revision on 05/05/20

Thank you for letting me know. Now I expect not too much from revision....ugghh. Good luck to you??

on 1/16/20 3:20 am

I wouldn't say that! I'm two months out from my revision and I'm VERY happy with my decision. I think you will be too. I'm literally heading out to a trip but when I'm back I'll post an update. Good stuff ahead.

on 2/14/20 10:43 am - ROSEDALE, NY

Did you have the Rny to distal? What's your bathroom routine and vitamins and food please sure!

on 2/17/20 7:30 am

Yes, I had RNY in 2009 and it's been just under 3 months now since I had my revision. My surgeon was originally going to do three things, resize my pouch smaller, tighten the "hole" at the bottom of my pouch, and the long limb bypass to dramatically increase the mal-absorption. In the end, he didn't do the resize my pouch thing, said it wasn't worth the effort.

Without a doubt, this is all about bathroom routines! Before, I was like a clock, I'd go once per day in the morning. Occasionally I'd go again at the end of the day but that was unusual. I prided myself on never using a public restroom for #2 ever and I could count on one hand how many times per year I'd go at work.

Now, things are different. I usually go 3x per day. Some days 4x. I've used public rest rooms and go almost daily at work.

Food has been really good. The worse I am, the more I have to go to the bathroom. On the whole, no intolerance, nothing new. I'm eating normally but like anyone on a diet or lifestyle change, I'm trying to be smart about it. The more fat I eat, the more unpleasant the bathroom can be. The only thing I've completely given up is soda (and alcohol.) I don't want to drink my calories anymore. I save them for food. I do miss soda but in my mind I know how bad it is and use that to help me avoid it.

During this pre-op I switched to the simple 4x per day fusion multivitamin. That's all I take. I had my lab work done at my 2 month and it was nearly perfect! Better than it was before.

Weight loss has been surprisingly consistent. I lose about 2 pounds per week - and some of those weeks I was no angel. We had a vacation, holidays, and other issues that made being "good" harder than usual. The magic of this surgery has done it's job.

Nothing in life is perfect but right now, today, I'm super happy about my choice. I'm down about 55 pounds, I need the magic to continue for another 50 or so pounds to be where I want to be. Not sure where my doctor wants me to be but I know where I want to be.

Hope this helps you or someone...

(deactivated member)
on 11/20/19 3:05 pm

My ex hubs had a distal RNY for ten years before I met him .

Diabetic- deplorable food choices yet he lost a LOT of weight. For years his severe diabetes was in complete remission till it came roaring back.

He didn't take vitamins .

doesnt to this day I'm pretty sure yet he would be the first one to say WLS changed his life that he recommends it to his 600 lb son and basically everyone.

health is relative . He's a lot happier and less worried than he used to be despite having to stick needles in his stomach every single day .

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