Inability To Keep Anything Down

on 11/6/18 9:27 am

I had stomach stapling (that's what it was called then) approx. 32 years ago. It's been pretty uneventful (thankfully) but since June I have had difficulty keeping solids moving on to nothing but liquids now (sometimes not even that). A scope confirmed that the opening from the pouch had closed. I have had 2 stretching sessions since then without success, it just closes up. I have a consult with a Cardiothoracic surgeon in a couple of weeks. Anyone had this problem and what kind of surgery would they do to alleviate this. It's getting really old.

on 11/8/18 8:08 am

Hello Bigmo32,

My aunt had her stomach stapled in 1980 and had all sorts of problems around 2000. Finally, in 2007 she got approved to have revisional gastric bypass. She hasn't had any problems since. Maybe you should look into seeing a WLS surgeon to see what they say?

Good luck!


on 11/8/18 1:35 pm

Hi Amber,

I'm scheduled to see on a cardiothoracic surgeon on the 19th. I'm so looking forward to it as I'm eating pretty much nothing and i'm really weak. Not looking forward to another surgery.

on 11/11/18 6:16 pm

I'm concerned about this for myself bc the past 2 nights I can't seem to get my food to move on either. I immediately have to throw up. I've never had this before. My surgery was also staples and in February it will be 14 years. I have never had any issues with my surgery until now.

on 11/11/18 6:59 pm

I never did either until around June when it started and got progressively worse. I had 2 stretching sessions each with a week following in the hospital due to an ileus in my intestine. After the last session he went in again to see if it had worked (I told him it hadn't) and he found it had closed up again and I was referred for surgery. I have no idea what kind but hopefully I'll find out what they propose next week. Why this started after 32 years I'll never know.

on 11/11/18 7:03 pm

My fear right now is having state insurance. It's through united healthcare but still. I have a doc appt with my primary but not until December 21st. I'm not sure if I should just find a WLS and go directly to them or a GI.

on 1/6/19 9:50 pm

I saw the surgeon on Nov. 19th and when they saw the state I was in they got me admitted 6 days later and 2 days after that I was operated on. They said the stoma had closed (I couldn't even keep water down) and they did a complete reversal. I'm now almost 6 weeks post-surgery and doing really well. Pain is minimal, I can eat soft foods for now till I have my follow up which is the 10th of Jan. I'm so thrilled I can eat again but that is tempered with the knowledge that I'm going to need self restraint as the surgery reversed the stomach stapling and I could put weight on easily if I fall into bad habits. All in all I'm pleased!

on 3/10/19 2:18 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

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