What did your surgeon require to determine if you need a revision?

on 8/23/18 2:33 pm - San Diego , CA


I have developed GERD after having my sleeve surgery in 2013. Today I met with my surgeon to go over the results of the fluoroscopy I had last week, which shows every swallow of the barium coming right back up the esophagus. Before we discuss options of how to fix this, he wants me to have an endoscopy with BRAVO chip which is a procedure where they will place a chip in my esophagus to test for acid levels.

What did your surgeon require? What steps did you take when determining how to fix your GERD caused by the sleeve?

on 8/24/18 3:11 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

I had to have a manometry test and 24 hour pH test which is similar to the Bravo, but significantly worse (it involves a sensor threaded into your esophagus through your nose which records changes in pH levels. The test revealed that my acid was 409% higher than normal. Once I hod those 2 tests (and the barium swallow) I was approved for revision in 24 hours.

on 8/24/18 3:22 pm - San Diego , CA

Oooohhhhhmyyyyygosshh. Threaded to your esophagus?! ?

i did find out today I have to do the Manometry too. I HATE that test and to be honest it's steering me in the direction of just dealing with GERD. Although in addition to taking Prilosec, I've already chewed 6 tums today.

Thank you you so much for your input. It does help knowing it's a "normal" process before determining if the conversation necessary.

would you mind sharing how you weighed the pros and cons of GERD vs. complications related to the bypass? Thank you!

on 8/24/18 3:28 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

There really was no weighing the pros and cons. The potential complications from GERD include Barretts esophagus that could lead to esophageal cancer. It wasn't a risk I was worth taking. Also, my GERD was so bad, I had no quality of life. I coughed up acid when I was sleeping and exercising. Finally, I have a gene mutation that affects that rate I metabolize PPIs. Really, the only one that works for me at all is Dexilant and it's not covered under my insurance. When my surgeon looked at me and told me if I was a family member I would have had surgery already, my decision was made.

FYI, I went from a VSG that was perfect (except I developed GERD which tried to kill me) to an RNY with "complications" I dump and have reactive hypoglycemia and sadly, I still have acid that's pretty much controlled with Prevacid (a precursor to Dexilant that I can buy OTC), but I would have made the same decision. The fear of esophageal cancer was too much for me.

on 8/24/18 6:11 pm - San Diego , CA

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry you're dealing with dumping and RHG.

Donna L.
on 8/28/18 8:09 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

I was originally hoping to revise to a DS, however the GERD was utterly crippling and multiple doctors said this was a poor idea. In my case I just needed an EGD with biopsies. Mine was bad enough I was having horrid throat issues and acid so bad I couldn't sleep or exercise, and they documented it for months. It was awful. Dexilant and every PPI under the sun did nothing. I made them wait to do it because I was still dead-set on the DS, but I became so miserable I was finally left with no choice.

turns out between the 2nd EGD and surgery, that my entire sleeve had herniated between my lungs. I'm definitely an overachieving perfectionist, but that was too much overachieving even for me!

I also have annoying reactive hypoglycemia, however I am 100% pain free and immensely healthier so I have no regrets at all. Esophageal cancer terrified me, and people here were very kind to help me by sharing their own journeys which helped me make my decision in the end, even if it wasn't the surgery I wanted. I'm very grateful my surgeon was so patient with me when he must have been going "really Donna, why are you so damn stubborn?" silently for months, heh.

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

on 8/31/18 5:39 am - San Diego , CA

Hi Donna, thanks for sharing your experience. I gotta say, the perfectionist comment cracked me up! That is so crazy that happened, how scary. Glad you're better now.

on 9/4/18 11:37 am - CA

Will doctors not allow you to have revision without something being physically wrong?

RNY 3-1-12

RNY Revision 10-4-18

on 10/21/18 6:09 am - San Diego , CA

Hi...I'm not sure but I've seen some conversions due to weight re-gain. If the sleeve was successful and health complications don't exist, I don't think a surgeon would do a revision.

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