I am so ashamed of myself but you have to start somewhere

on 5/9/18 11:40 am

I am in the same boat! But like others said, we can help each other get back on track!

on 5/9/18 12:56 pm

Please know that shame may keep you from moving forward. I try to remember that if I did it once, I can do it again! You can too.

on 5/12/18 9:37 pm
Revision on 05/07/18

I don't want to discourage you from getting a revision, however if the weight can be lost using a support group, high protein, low carb and sugar, I think you'll get their. I just had a revision because of a non healing ulcer that perforated and two internal hernias 2+ years post op from the original surgery. I am one week post op and I am having a terrible time. Can't keep fluids down. Swollen stoma that won't even allow fluids to pass, vomiting with blood in it. Can't even swallow the tiny oxycodone pills or Tylenol I was sent home with. Now today, on Mother's Day I am heading to the ER an hour away and will probably be readmited to the hospital and my husband will have to miss work to take care of the kids. This is much worse than the first time around. Best wishes on your journey.

on 6/5/18 4:14 am - MD

Hi KBarb I hope things are much better for you and your family..

Tammi H.
on 5/24/18 12:19 pm

I am 8 1/2 years out from RNY and I'm on for the first time in years because, like you, I feel ashamed of my failure to use my tool correctly. I contacted my local Bariatric hospital and will start attending their support group. I will also make an appointment to visit with a Bariatric surgeon to see how I can get back on track. I am also going to start making a priority to visiting this site once again for support and guidance. I would also appreciate anyone's help on how they got themselves back on track. I've tried following the diet and feel hungry all the time. I feel lost.

starting weight 224, size XL (16-18); now weight is 129, a size 4 size medium or small
on 5/28/18 1:03 am - Houston, Tx

Hello everyone. I'm in the same old boat. Rocking right along with you.

Had the rny about 8 years ago., and have since regained most of my weight.

I am hoping to have the ds.

It took a lot of courage and prayer for me to go back to the doctor and ask for help.

but I did it, and I'm glad I did.

Don't be ashamed, just go and do what you need to do for yourself.

I'm here if you need me.

Please keep in touch.

on 5/28/18 9:39 am - GA

Add me to your list. RNY in June 2008. Highest weight 265. Got to 149# for a day and a half. Stayed at about 160 until a year ago. Piled it on to 199. I got careless and had not been on a scale for months. Come to Jesus moment when my metal "button" on my jeans waistband flew off and hit the oven door like a bullet!

I now have 3 huge bins in the basement of clothing that does not fit me, I am embarrassed to run into people that have not seen me in a while. Their faces say it all. Have not been to the doctors office, but if I have to go am prepared to refuse to get on the scale.

I would go back to my pre and post surgical support group but it is over an hour away and interferes with work. I did join T.O.P.S. a month ago because it fit my schedule, is nearby and inexpensive. Feel I need to be accountable somehow. A bit disappointed because for many that go to meetings, it is simply a social outing. They are not very serious about losing the weight. (Last week the group overall lost 3# but gained 13# !!) It also has a bit too much of a religious slant for this avowed atheist.

SO, should we form a group? I'm not tech savvy but will commit to what I can do to help all of us get where we need and deserve to be.

Dale in Georgia

on 5/28/18 12:35 pm

Dale, (and other ladies posting in this thread...)

Of all the accounts yours closer matches mine. My heaviest was 292.5, My surgery was 23 years ago. It was a hybrid procedure.(.gastric by pass, banding@ espohagus and below pouch, gastric resetion , removal of large portion of small and large intestine..) that is no longer done. My lowest weight was 149.5 and was there less than 24 hours. I also maintained at 155-165 for several years. When i became unable to maintain that level of physical activity i began to slowly inch forward to the 195 marker. I told myself...NO I are not going to 200 again, was too hard to get below that mark..

Here are some things i have been doing much of the time for the past several years. Consistent application will get you there.

There will be days you do not meet a goal. Begin again.Stop being ashamed, Stop beating yourself, up for the past. It can not be changed. YOu have the power and the TOOL to change the future. Negative feeings make your body to release hormones and chemicals that can stop your weight loss. So get positive. Be proud of each accomplishment. Set small goals that are realistic and reachable. Support each other and continue to come here for support and tips that may help.

I am currently in 15-20 lbs from where I will be content to remain... the weightloss has been slow, and gradual. If i can loose more, I will not stop my program and move to a maintainence...increased carb amount. My rationale is no need to add foods that will give me cravings. B complex in double sublinguals helps me stop the cravings within 3 days.( then i back off it). If you have not had a high iron load or bad experience with it, it maight work for you as well. This was recommended to me by a nutritionist...

I have no medical insurance.(none for 3 years now-and little medical care for 8 years..(before others decide to beat up because I have not seen a doctor, that does NOT mean ..I am not aware of my medical conditions..I am doing what I can to mitigate those, and my energy is returning..so effectiveness is noted.) Insurance is not available @ affordable cost.Last time I checked they wanted 1/3 the total income for our household,for coverage for me.( and had the audacity to tell me I had to have it, my reply was then you pay for it)...just no$$- It will be 3 years before I qualify for gov care.... care-giving is tough and I neglected myself while doing that intensively for several years... Now is my time to finish my jorney. and maintain for my health. Testing has been out for me, except for the things I can do at home.. like monitor my sugar, v/s, and symptoms. I Track my diet, and increase my activity..noting what works and more importantly does not work for me...My husband is supportive generally and I often come here and read.. I take a natural dessicated liver, mag citrate, D3,Vit C,zinc and K2 , an occassional MVI and heavy probiotic and gastric enzymes have had to be added recently due to repeated gastritis damage.

I advise to follow the guidelines of your orig. surgeon. That is the person who Knows the amount of restriction, and has the experience..to guide you(.My surgeon has been retired 15+ years.) If not available a good internal surgeon who has reviewed your surgical notes may have the best support possible for you.

I am mostly off of all sugars, limit my carbs and eat as many proteins as I can choke down. My goal is 90, and do better at 100+grams . The higher and closer to goal my protein intake is the better i loose.

My diet has to be balanced with a low and consistent carb range because if I do not, my sugar crashes ...even if i have just eaten.

I try to avoid chemicals and processed foods at all times, but if eating out is not always posssible.

I try to eat "clean-organically" .

I use NO diet products. If sugars are reduced they add fats for flavor. If fats are reduced they add sugar, or worse the nerve poison, ant killer turned sweetner.

. I do buy Pyure brand.. Stevia to make my own syrup for a rare high protein pancake... or similar treat. It does not affect my blood sugar, I still have to be vigilant because of the natural fruit syrup. so,I use even my home made sparingly.

Activity can cause sugar crashes so I have to do that consistently as well increasing slowly..My carb goal is consistently below 50. If my activity is higher, then i try to keep it just under that number.. If a day of low activity..closer to 25. My pouch size remains accepting of 4-5 oz of dense protein..and just under 2 oz of something else., usually a carb.( I can not digest broccoli, beans, cabbage when I consume these gastritis follows). a couple of crackers..a small pc of bread..(1 oz).

Protein first! everything else later. I tolerate very few fats.

....I do not count calories or points for weigh****chers type programs... they allow way too much carbs and too many "fluff foods".by stressing limited protein/to limit calories...The high protein diet is not compatable with weigh****chers for me.I could not stay on both diets. No need of me repeating what does not and did not work...

.... I have found that keeping up with carbs and protein keeps me the closest to my origional prescription and enables a very slow weight loss. Since spring is here and more outside activity is possible...i am hoping to finish the last 10-25 lbs.

I rarely have any fruit. It is a sugar and it makes me turn into "Starvin' Marvin".

I keep hard candy with me because my sugar drops with very little warning. Treating sugars like medicine is what works for me. I keep it for emergency only.

These things have helped me and may or may not work to help you get on track.

To get back to a goal you have to want it and find something you can do consistently.This is Your life. You will make a choice every day...How you want to be for the rest of your life. Each of you have a tool from surgery. You have the motivation, and each of you has courage because we have seen that posted in this link.

YOU are worth this effort. You have got this. You can do this!. Those who come to this board will celebrate each forward step with you...looking forward to seeing each of you post as you reach the first small goals on your journey.

on 5/28/18 10:45 am

I had my surgery in November of 2017. Still in the process of working on getting to my goal weight! Down 125 at this point with 58lbs to go! I can totally see how in time you can put the weight back on. Im not losing the weight as quickly now as I was. It is always gonna be a challenge to control my weight. Ive read on this site, people saying mean things when people are talking about issues they are having and I have to say this particular group of people discussing problems is the greatest group Ive seen! I think it's very important to be able to freely discuss issues and problems without being judged!! Im wishing you all the best getting back on track!

on 5/28/18 12:34 pm, edited 5/28/18 5:36 am - Brooklyn, NY

Hey Tiffany! Girl stop beating yourself up...trust me, you can do it again! I had my VSG (vertical sleeve gastretomy) in 8/2009 and went from 317 lbs to 205 in less than a year. Life happened and I gained and went back up to 238! I was sooo depressed because I never reached my 175 lb goal ? So this past January I decided to clear my head and start riding my stationary bike and be more aware of what I'm eating. I've dropped 21 lbs so far and fully intend to hit my goal of 175 this year. Give yourself a break, set small goals and don't you give up! You can do it! Please get to the doctor and get yourself back in the game...you'll do fine. Sending hugs from Winston Salem! Keep us posted! I'll post new pics as soon as I figure out how to ?

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