Would like revision updates from others

on 4/23/18 11:15 am
VSG on 06/01/14

I'm looking at a VSG to RNY revision only because of severe persistent GERD (had it all my life, surgeon was sure it would resolve with VSG but no luck).

I am fighting to get off some remaining regain and i'll see the surgeon again in a couple months. Looking to hear updates from those who had revisions within the last 6 months.

How are you doing now?

If you had revision because of symptoms, did they resolve?

Have you lost any further weight?

Do you regret it?

on 4/26/18 2:27 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

I'm not within the timeframe specified in your post, but thought I'd respond anyway. I converted from VSG to RNY in July, 2016 due to persistent, non-responsive GERD. I did not have GERD or Reflux prior to surgery. It was 100% due to my sleeve.

The conversion did not resolve my GERD 100%, but it is manageable with medication (usually a dose of prevacid and zantac will handle it). Prior to revision no amount of medication gave me any relief.

I had gained approximately 12lbs prior to my conversion to RNY because crackers were about the only thing that gave me any relief and I was eating them constantly. I was able to lose the 12 lb regain relatively quickly. I was back to goal and maintaining within 6 months of my RNY surgery.

The downsides: I ended up with dumping syndrome and hypoglycemia (both Reactive Hypoglycemia and regular hypoglycemia) so I'm working with an endocrinologist to try and get that under control and I just started a new medication (today, in fact). I'm not happy that I take more daily medication now than I did prior to my VSG, but it is what it is. Both dumping and hypoglycemia suck. If I could control it by staying away from sugar, it wouldn't be a problem, but I can have dumping off of milk, yogurt, and some foods not high in sugar (for me it's a carb/sugar combination most times) and the hypoglycemia is a total crap shoot; I never know what's going to trigger it.

I don't regret it for the simple reason that uncontrolled GERD could have lead to esophageal cancer which could have killed me. So, while dumping/hypoglycemia sucks, I'd rather have that than die.

on 4/28/18 3:44 pm
On April 23, 2018 at 6:15 PM Pacific Time, mi75 wrote:

I'm looking at a VSG to RNY revision only because of severe persistent GERD (had it all my life, surgeon was sure it would resolve with VSG but no luck).

I am fighting to get off some remaining regain and i'll see the surgeon again in a couple months. Looking to hear updates from those who had revisions within the last 6 months.

How are you doing now?

If you had revision because of symptoms, did they resolve?

Have you lost any further weight?

Do you regret it?

I am in the same position. I will be 6 years post op VSG in June. I had mild GERD which was managed with 1 pill each morning. In December the Gerd became worse. I met with a gastro and my meds were changed, and then increased. I had an endoscopy and the obvious dx severe GERD. He told me to see my surgeon. I did and he said the only fix is to covert to bypass. I don't want the surgery. I met with the nutritionist and after that I didn't want the surgery even more. A lifetime of chewable vitamins and possible dumping and numerous other side effects.

I am scheduled for surgery on May 31 but I am considering canceling it. I know the GERD has it's own set of complications.

I was hoping to hear some more responses. Are you scheduled for surgery yet? I have some regain but from what I have been told the bypass after a sleeve will not have the same weight loss results as a traditional bypass. The fondus is already gone and the other hormonal part of the surgery that helps the weight melt off are just not present.

I would be happy to each in touch with you to provide and receive support.


on 4/28/18 4:12 pm
VSG on 06/01/14

I am not scheduled yet. I met with the bariatric surgeon about 35 lbs ago and he told me to work hard and get the regain taken off then we would recheck. Since then I had the EGD as well. I was actually diagnosed with GER as a baby then GERD about 15 years ago. I've dealt with it my entire life and actually was diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus about 6 years ago also (with negative screens since then).

I really don't want to face revision either. I've been eating Keto since November and have managed to lose 35 of 42 pounds of regain. I am starting a new gym regimen this week in hopes that it will help me knock out the last of the regain, plus another 20 lbs to get to my actual goal weight.

it is my sincere hope that at that point, the GERD will be gone or mild enough to manage with an H2 inhibitor instead of the PPI.

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