Revision - shortening common channel

on 3/30/18 12:12 pm

Hi all,

I've only just joined this forum, though I am not new to the WLS community.

I had RNY in 2011 and was 330lbs. Long story short I had to work hard at the gym to lose weight...but I did and felt great. Got to 180. fast forward to 2018 and after being made homeless, two miscarriages (and subsequent depression), having my son (who was in and out of hospital his first year of life) and my subsequent post natal depression, I am 300lbs :(

so I am scheduled to have a revision with my original surgeon in 3 weeks. I am freaking out. I saw him in November and asked a lot of questions and once again saw him last week and asked a lot of questions (he was more annoyed last week at the same questions being asked). However he can't give me a name as to what he is doing to me and also says with the revision it works for some people and with others it doesn't!!! I asked why and he said he didn't know. All he could say was I will probably experience diarrhoea. He is the leading surgeon for the IFSO Bariatric and centre of excellence for metabolic surgery (European council) and not giving me a straight answer is just weird!

so I am wondering if anyone else can help?

so during my RNY he bypassed approximately 150cm of intestine and made my pouch smaller. For the revision he won't touch my pouch as he says it's not stretched enough. He said he will bypass more of my intestine (approx 150cm), leaving me with a common channel of 300cm (this isn't a DS - a DS leaves only about 40-60cm of common channel!). He said he will also lengthen the biliopancreatic limb to help with my hormones in helping me not feel hunger anymore.

has anyone else heard of this/had it done? Is there a name for it? Can I expect to lose a reasonable amount of weight?

Any insight is much appreciated. I can only find DS or Biliopancreatic diversion or Scopinaro procedure info which is not what this is. This is something inbetween I think.

on 3/31/18 11:54 am

I am not really new to oh. I just deleted my account a long time ago. This actually my 15 year anniversary of my original surgery and 8 year anniversary of my revision. I lost down to 195 from 385 after losing 115 pounds on my own. Then due to many trials that I won't burden you with I regained to 285. I went to Cleveland clinic where after much testing I was told my metabolism was a mess and always had been. The clinic did the exact procedure you're describing to me. Long story short I am 5'10" and weigh 135. If I don't eat constantly I drop 2-3 pounds a week

Laura in Texas
on 4/2/18 8:44 am

Search here on OH for "distal RNY".

Hopefully you are working with a therapist to work though all the issues you have been through. The mental part is definitely the toughest. You need to remember that no surgery is "magic". If you eat too much even with the distal RNY, you will gain weight.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 4/13/18 10:09 pm

So sorry to hear about your problems, I think we all have different issues thrown at us, I was sleeved on 6/13 and lost 100lbs. Due to life throwing curve balls at me I've regained 50lbs, but now I seem to have acid reflux and my surgeon is going to do a revision. I'm hopeful since the reflux is bad and I've stopped eating food I was used to eating. I haven't heard of the procedure but I wish you well.

on 4/27/18 2:49 pm

I've had an ERNY which left me with a 75 Common Channel and I had some major issues for several years from it. I seem to have come through it and I now am scared that I'm no longer malabsorbing like I was and that I am going to gain weight. I've maintained 136 for about the past 4-5 years and it's been 9 years since I had the ERNY procedure done. A DS I thought was more like 100 cm of Common Channel.

on 9/1/21 5:29 pm

Hi! I am new to this forum. I had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in 2011. I lost 150 pounds....However the death of my spouse and a foreclosure on my home, I turned back to food and have regained approx. 65 pounds. I found a place to live and have tried to lose weight with no success. So I visited another bariatric surgeon and I thought he would revise my gastric bypass. But he had a different idea. He has me set up for a " COMMON CHANNEL SHORTENING" in Nov. 2021. He said weight loss would be very slow, not like the bypass. Also said to expect a lot of diarrhea, bloating and gas. I am very concerned as I cannot get a straight answer from this doctor. I am wondering if I have this done and lose nothing. Like I said, the doctor stated this was somewhat of a new procedure. The main reason I want to have this is that my diabetes has come back and so has my hypertension. And you are correct, this is not a DS as I also thought. Only a commons channel shortening.

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