Distal gastric bypass

on 10/3/17 4:25 pm - Cleveland, OH

Has anyone had distal gastric bypass revision??

on 10/4/17 5:18 pm - San Jose, CA

Omgoodness I'm trying to get a revision too but did not qualify. Let me know if you find more info.

on 10/5/17 12:45 pm

Are you being revised from a sleeve or band, or are you having your bypass revised?

Original surgery: VSG Feb. 2009


Height: 5'7"

Start weight: 252. Current weight: 120

Amy R.
on 10/7/17 5:34 pm

How far out are you from your original bypass? Are you revising due to regain or for other reasons?

We've got a couple of distal RnY's on OH. I've not seen many of them and the only one I can think of right now is Vitalady (Michelle). I believe though that her distal was her original surgery. You might try posting on the Main Board and the RnY Boards asking for distals to respond. Those boards get a lot more traffic.

The most important thing I know about distal bypasses is that vitamin supplementation is absolutely, 100% imperative at all times. Those that I know struggle more with keeping their labs up than regular bypass people, but it can be done. It might seem kind of strange but you may get more info on vitamins and such on the DS Board - they also have to be extremely vigilant about their labs.

If you can give more details about why you are revising we can probably be of more help in pointing you to the right information.

on 10/19/17 7:36 am
Revision on 09/14/17

If I am following your question right I have had a long limb RNY revision. Original gastric stapling was 30 years ago. I'm five weeks out from surgery.


on 10/31/17 7:44 am
Revision on 07/05/16

Sorry, I'm not on OH much (on FB distal and DS group a lot more). I had a distal revision almost 16 months ago. I wanted a DS revision, but insurance wouldn't pay due to my GERD. It was a long process (Oct 2014 to July 2016 surgery) to get insurance to approve and I was denied twice! My weight regain was due to my slow metabolsim (HR in 40s, no thyroid or cardiac issues). During the process, I was on 3 diets and losing 0-3 lbs. The last diet was supervised by my PCP, which showed my HR decreasing from mid 50s to low 40s over the course of 4 months and zero weight loss on 1200 calories. Before the last diet, I had my pouch scoped. I have a large pouch (12 oz) and a normal stoma. The large pouch is to my advantage, due to the large amount of food I have to eat with this surgery. (A large stoma is not, because you have no restriction)

After my surgery, I lost 25 lbs in the first 3 months, which was faster than my original surgery. Afterwards it has been a much slower loss. At 9-12 months, I didn't lose any weight, but lost a size in clothing! Since then, I'm losing 1-2 lbs a month. And since my malabsorption is forever, I can continue to lose weight as long as I eat low carb and keep my labs in normal range.

My distal has measurements similar to the cookie cutter DS (not the preferred Hess method). My alimentary limb is 250 cm and my common channel is 100 cm. I eat like a DSer (high protein, moderate/high fat and low carbs) and supplement like a DSer due to the malabsorption. I've already surpassed what my surgeon said I would lose, but I did not follow their low fat, mod carb/protein diet.

My main complication has been rectal fissures. I have IBS-C and it is much worse with the distal than it was with first surgery. Contrary to what surgeons say, too many carbs, not fat causes diarrhea. I'm trying to find the right balance of fat to keep my poo from being bricks. (I take a lot of meds for my constipation and changed iron and calcium to non-binding types).

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



on 11/28/17 7:32 am
Revision on 09/14/17

I had my revision on September 14, 2018. I've lost 53 pounds since the surgery. Lots of stagnet weight numbers which the Dietician feels I am not eating enough but I'm eating all I can get down. I have followed their plan precisely and I exercise daily. I have no idea if I'm on target or not but I will say in most revisions the stoma is left alone. My surgeon actually reattached and made a new stoma. It's so small that I struggled with stopped up food and losing what I eat. Hopefully that will lessen as it gets used more and things get back to normal.

I went from a gastric stapling thirty years ago to a distal revision. I have to get in 90 grams of protein a day which it a job but well worth all the work. Fluids are easy if I could just drink and not eat I would have it made! Taking all the pills and vitamins is a task but I have it down to a hour and a half in the morning and a half hour at night. Calcium randomly all through the day.

I spent the year it took to get approved changing my lifestyle. Everything from eating to exercising. I lost 143 pounds before surgery day. My insurance company actually approved it quickly but my Doctor put me through a lot of paces before she would file. Now I am glad she did. It gave me time to get my head in the game.

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