on 8/2/17 10:09 am

I had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 10/2004 with starting weight 460 lbs.. After, the procedure, I actually got down to 180 lbs over a 4 year period. For, the last 4 years I have been having some serious issues, have had several hiatal hernias, intestinal flips, ulcers, servere acid reflux, and have gained weight, which now I am 291lbs (which the new weight has caused major issue with my joints and I've had to have 3 knee surgeries and unless, I get under 200 lbs, may become immobile and unable to walk on my knee). Due to I now live in a different state, found another doctor close by, whom requested an upper GI and an endoscopy and found that I have another hiatal hernia (which is large and causing me to not be able to digest any meats or solid food items), stomach ulcers, and a few intestinal issues. The surgeon wants to go in and revise my original gastric bypass procedure and fix all the other issue that I am experiencing. I actually work for a hospital chain and have Aetna and Medicare insurance. I am so nervous, that Aetna will not approve the revision and then I don't know what I will do, because, I need the revision in order to have a better life.

Is there anyone out there whom experienced the same issues or whom has Aetna insurance and have been approved for gastric bypass revision?

Starting weight before 1st procedure : 460 lbs

Weight loss after 1st procedure: 280 lbs

Weight as of 08/02/17: 291.5 lbs

Goal weight: 160 lbs

on 8/18/17 6:18 am - TX
VSG on 08/29/12

Oh I am hoping you get the approval soon. it is brutal waiting on that. I have Cigna they approved mine but I was on pins and needles. Do you mind me asking about the acid reflux? I have a sleeve and being revised to a bypass. The surgeon says that should fix my reflux along with having my gallbladder removed and hiatal hernia fixed. I am a nervous wreck. Pre op yesterday told me to prepare for ICU after surgery? If you don't mind sharing I would love to hear the updates on your journey.

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