Band to Sleeve-how did you get approved?

on 5/10/17 12:56 pm - Bristol, RI

I've been considering revising from the Band to Sleeve for years. I'm currently pregnant and baby is due in July, really hoping to do my revision next year. Aside from getting stuck and sliming occasionally, I don't have any major medical issues. The band is empty and has been for years. I've tried going back to tightening it but it never works. I was either hungry or stuck, no happy medium.

How did you get your insurance to approve? Did your surgeon advocate for you to get approved? Did you need to have a certain BMI? Any info would be appreciated! TIA!

on 5/11/17 12:28 pm - Canada

I am not sure about how insurance works for you, as I am in Canada.

I do have a band, and when I spoke with the surgeon to revise, he did not suggest the sleeve after a band, I was requesting a sleeve. He said the scar tissue from where the band is placed would be one of the factors preventing a proper sleeve, he also said that the sleeve is similar to the band in that it provides restriction (if you were successful with the band, then the sleeve would be good for you).

I am fortunate in that the surgeon who placed the band, is revising me to RNY. I am nervous, but after speaking with him, I feel its the right decision.

5'0 - SW - 240LBS | Lap Band - August 2015| Revision Band to RNY Surgery - May 16, 2017| Opti-fast - 9lbs | G.W - 150LBS | CW - 165LBS |

on 5/19/17 7:19 am

I am having a revision from Band to RNY because my band is causing all kinds of issues. My Gastro doctor told me to "get it out". I went back to the doctor that put it in and he was fine with removing it. My insurance only agreed to pay for it if I had a 6 month dr. monitored diet, had 2 co-morbidities and had a my PCP referral. After meeting with the Bariatric surgeon he suggested that I would do better with the RNY instead of the sleeve because of my Acid reflux issue and possible damage form the band. I was originally wanting the sleeve. My husband is concerned that the RNY is too invasive and thinks it could be dangerous and wants me to have the sleeve. I just want the Band OUT.

I am up in the air about Sleeve or RNY.. which way to go.

I would advice that you go back to the person that put the Band in and ask what all is needed for the next procedure to be approved, their insurance dept should be able to help you.


Revision Lap Band to RNY Approved 5/10/17 Surgery Date 6/6/2017

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/17 1:04 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

I was also confused about whether to go with the sleeve or RNY after band removal. My doctor really made the choice for me for several reasons: scar tissue from band placement can prevent a proper sleeve; RNY can be reversed because the detached stomach portion is not removed; the RNY results in greater long-term weight loss; many people who have the sleeve are revising to RNY.
Six weeks out from surgery, I'm really glad I have the RNY and SO WISH I had done it ten years ago instead of the band. No restriction, food goes down, and I know when I'm full. It's been so much easier than the band.
I recommend RNY over sleeve. Ultimately, your surgeon knows best.

on 6/1/17 3:17 pm - TX
VSG on 08/29/12

I can say on my experience.. I have the sleeve it was great in the beginning. I am now going in for a revision to the RNY. I have had horrible reflux/GERD and its causing many health issues. If I had known the possibility of revision due to reflux issues I would have done it right the first time. I totally get the concern about the RNY I too had and still have fear of it. however a revision and another would make me think twice..

Sai F.
on 5/21/17 12:37 pm
VSG on 09/02/16

I went in for an adjustment, and my surgeon suggested the revision. At the time, I had never researched the sleeve, and knew practically nothing about it. They submitted the paperwork, and at first I was denied, and then they put it in again and it was approved. I was near my goal weight at the time, and I was still approved for the revision due to a history of high blood pressure and my historical difficulty of getting into the green zone with the band, and I'm pretty sure the recent medical uncertainty of the band played a role as well.

Good luck!

Banded June 2009- Allergan 10mL AP-S

Revised to Sleeve in September 2016

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/17 1:07 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

The surgeon who did the emergency removal of my band said, "It is no longer a question of IF you will have your band removed, but WHEN you will have the band removed."
I read the research on the lap band prior to deciding on the surgery.
I think the data was falsified.
And we are not able to sue the company who manufactured the band.

on 5/30/17 12:39 pm

My Surgeon said that when the band was being put in... there really wasn't enough history and data from studies to know how successful they were. NOW... there is A LOT of data and the findings are not good, in his opinion. He never gives the Lap Band as a choice now. just a total failure, in his eyes.


Revision Lap Band to RNY Approved 5/10/17 Surgery Date 6/6/2017

on 5/25/17 9:25 am

All surgeons will encounter (for the most part) scar tissue from the band. My band is coming out because of the scar tissue, therefore possibly revising it to sleeve (depending on insurance requirements)

My insurance company said there werent any stipulations on a revision but to send in a predetermination. my current bmi is 35.5 lost 170 on the band and now 9 years later..its "failing" meaning the scar tissue is the problem therefore had to take fluid out....hence..gained weight again

on 6/1/17 10:21 am - Doylestown, PA

Hi everyone!!! It's been years since I have posted.

I'm considering a revision from sleeve to DS, and in speaking with my surgeon, he said that they don't offer the band anymore, and that the manufacturer actually no longer produces them! They found that the band didn't 'perform' like they had initially hoped, in that it didn't provide adequate weight loss, among other issues. I know this doesn't really help with your insurance approval, but I thought I would chime in.

I wish you all the best!

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