Revision VSG to Bypass due to GERD

on 4/8/17 10:10 am
Revision on 05/23/17

Good afternoon everyone!

I wanted to see if anyone had any advice about a revision to a bypass?

Let me give you a little background as to why I am at this point. I had the VSG in 2012 and had great results with it. I lost 70+ pounds. 2 years later I added weights into my training and gained around 15lbs. I was completely ok with the gain bc it was all muscle and I felt amazing! I actually started doing OCRs and completed my first Spartan race Aroo! Well then I got sick, one thing after another. We eventually discovered I had DVT and PE. I came very close to dying, the clots were all over. It is an absolute miracle I am here today! So I was very inactive for a year and on blood thinners. Due to that I gained 25 lbs. the thinners I was on usually make people gain an average of 50+lbs. luckily with my diet I kept it lares than that. It really stinks to have gained the weight but I followed my dr's orders to the T so it's ok because I'm still here and can lose the weight again. During all this I had to have gallbladder surgery and a hysterectomy from complications. So fast forward to today I am off the blood thinners (yay!!!) and the only thing holding me back now is the gerd.

I had mild reflux prior to the VSG I also had hiatal hernia. After the surgery my reflux continued to get worse. It then developed into Gerd. My diet right now isn't the greatest because I may eat one meal a day. If I get 600 calories in I'm doing good. Even my protein shakes cause flare ups. So my 1 PPI has been increased to 3 PPI meds a day plus lots and lots of tums. You read the long term effects of PPI meds and Gerd and it's scary! This is why I've met with multiple dr's and they have all recommended I switch to a bypass. So I am in the process of getting together all the insurance requirements. Hopefully I'll have the last dr recommendation letter Monday.

So I wondered what pros and cons everyone has had dealing with revision? I already take most of the vitamins they recommend I just need to add C and D I believe. The thought of another major surgery is daunting but the possibility of no longer having gerd will be worth it. Has anyone had any new restrictions from the bypass that they didn't expect?

Thank you all!

on 4/8/17 4:35 pm
VSG on 06/01/14

There are several of us here that are seeking VSG to RNY revision due to GERD. I had pretty significant GERD prior to surgery-took 2 PPIs a day- but my surgeon was fairly certain that I would get relief with VSG. I DID, but it never went away completely, and I've had regain so it's even worse. To top it off, I have found that for the past month or so, eating starch-crakers, bread is helpful to the GERD so I've pretty much ruined my diet.

I too will be having a revision and will be seeing my surgeon next month but calling Monday to see about moving sooner. I am scared and nervous but feel like I want OFF the PPIs permanently. I am more fearful of the side effects of very long term PPI use than I am of the revision.

There are a few good, current threads going on this forum, please feel free to PM if you have questions, but I'll keep up with this thread.

on 4/9/17 9:20 pm
Revision on 05/23/17

See I feel the same about the PPI. The list of side effects over long term use are frightening!

My reflux wasn't bad till after my VSG surgery now I have no relief with anything. Even crackers cause the bile to back up.

Good luck with getting your appointment moved up. Hopefully we can both get the revisions done soon and be on the healing end of this soon!

on 4/9/17 6:01 am
Revision on 03/29/17

I've had the VSG to RNY revision on 3/29/17 due to a hiatal hernia and bile reflux. The reflux is gone! I can sleep lying down. It's so wonderful not waking to bad breath and a burning sensation in your throat.

I am expected to lose the 30 pounds I regained. So far, I am down 12 pounds since surgery. No head hunger at all. I am consuming about 500 calories or less a day and drinking 90-100 oz of fluid. For now, I take my multiple vitamins and my PPI daily. I can't speak to the restriction since I have not started solid foods yet.

I get in 8-10,000 steps daily.

on 4/9/17 9:41 pm
Revision on 05/23/17

That's amazing! Congratulations on a successful revision! I am excited to think about being able to sleep without sitting up. No more throat on fire!

My hernia does need to be repaired again. Has your hiatal hernia needed multiple repairs?

My dr doesn't think the revision will help me lose the 25lbs I gained while on the blood thinners last year. He and I both think that once I'm feeling better and back in the gym more that I'll lose it again. Or at least that's my plan!

thats great that you've already lost 12lbs! Hopefully you'll be completely off the PPI soon.

on 4/9/17 9:45 pm
Revision on 03/29/17

This was my first hernia repair-surgeon stated it was much larger than was estimated. I have to take the PPI's for 90 exciting!

Yes, the throat on fire is gone along with the sore throat! Nothing like a good night's rest.

Good Luck on your upcoming surgery and keep us updated.

on 4/12/17 6:59 pm

You walk 80,000 steps daily? I am 10 weeks post op RNY. I am getting in 3 walks daily for a total of an average of 2,200 steps. My heart is pounding at the end of each walk. I feel like such a "light weight!"

on 4/12/17 7:35 pm
Revision on 03/29/17

Yes, I walk 8-10,000 steps daily. I've always been a walker even when I weighed my highest at 275 lbs. The first 2-3 days post op was a little tough.

Now, I'm visiting Disneyland for 4 days with my surgeon's approval. I will easily get my 8-10K steps.

Take your time and you will get to 10K steps.

on 4/10/17 9:55 am - TX
VSG on 08/29/12
This is awesome to see! I am on the road to getting revision due to same problems. I have a thread posted as well. I have gained 60 back and hope this helps get me back down as a side benefit. I am burning as I type this. I won't know how to feel living life without the fire haha. Keep us posted!
on 4/10/17 10:13 am
Revision on 05/23/17

Yes my chest and throat feel like they are on fire right now too. Nothing eases the pain and discomfort. To think this pain could be fixed is very exciting! Good luck to you as well. Hopefully we'll all be feeling better soon!

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