Revision from bpd-ds to a sadi version

on 3/22/17 5:32 pm

I think you are beyond SADI, it sounds like you need your surgery taken down not revision to SADI. I would suggest contacting Dr Keshishian in Glendale CA. He will tell you what your surgeon did to you, etc (but have been patients that he has revised that the operative report did not reflect what the patient had done when he actually revised the patient, which I feel will be our case-another reason to see Dr Keshishian) he will also tell you what he suggests. Dr Keshisian is a highly skilled revision surgeon who takes the most difficult revision patients in the world. you have nothing to lose to call the office, ask if you can get a phone consultation, and if there is a fee etc. This is one surgeon who is NOT in it for the money. it is really up to you and what quality of life you want.

If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.

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