11 years out and seeing surgeon, am I too "lightweight" for revision?

Ashley in Belgium
on 2/23/17 11:44 pm - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

^^^^This exactly.  

It's as simple as the choices we make and accepting where they leave us.  Glad to see you back LT!

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

on 2/24/17 10:46 am - Coeur D Alene, ID

Sorry for the deleted message, I thought I was responding to someone else.

on 2/24/17 9:03 am - Coeur D Alene, ID
Amy R.
on 2/24/17 8:55 am

The facts are, no matter how you slice it, you want to eat more than you want to weigh less.

What Lady Tazz said above.  And barring some issue with your pouch that your surgeon uncovers, ONLY this.

It's not fair and I hate it but if I want to weigh less I must eat less.  Proteins, carbs, fats. Whatever works for you, but you have got to lower your calorie consumption if you want to weigh less. 

As for the reasons you are gaining on what appears to be the same amount of calories you are used to eating in order to maintain: you can analyze and log and track and speculate all day long.  I've hit that wall a couple of times.  Once was at about three years postop as my system adjusted to the loss of malabsorption. The second time was a couple of years ago when I hit 50 or just before (hormones, menopause and such).  I had "reasons" both times for eating like I was.  I wasn't "bad", my food wasn't "bad" and I wasn't sitting home eating donuts all day.   Although technically if I wanted to eat my daily calories in donuts I could do that and still even lose weight if I ate less calories than I used up.

BOTH TIMES the answer was to consume less calories.

You see, my body couldn't care less about my reasoning.  It simply processes food the way it processes food.  I tinker with that at times and have had both good and bad results.  I weigh less now than I did at my lowest early post-op weight.  But I had to quit justifying and just accept what my system was doing.  We don't get to control how our bodies process calories. 

Unless you have some physical anomaly which could be corrected by a revision, there is no further surgery that will help you.  Eventually all surgeries can be out-eaten.  Many revisions - I would almost say most from what I've seen over the last eight years - result in only a net loss of 20 or 30 pounds.  I had surgery because I needed to lose about 150 pounds.  I certainly wouldn't risk going under the knife again for 20.

Good luck to you.  I hope you find your answers. I wouldn't wish regain and hunger on anyone. 

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/17 4:19 am

Here's my personal experience regarding excercise combined with what I learned as a certified personal trainer - both in class and on the job

An excercise session is like putting a tiny amount of money in a savings account . Over time it really adds up and your body shape and composition change permanently... however in the short run your weight stays the same because the same volume of muscle ( that you're hopefully building because it speeds your metabolism forever) weighs three times more than fat .

I did excercise a lot preop just to keep 20 or so lbs off . I spent my childhood training . As a result I can and do eat way more then most here and still end up with a relatively low BMI .

Excercise does take inches off - you'll weigh the same but fit into smaller sizes . Fitness models weigh a ton!

on 3/13/17 5:39 pm
Revision on 10/04/16

Looks like you have gotten some good tips. I like the idea of doing a food journaling test to see what is triggering your hunger. Look at the timing of your hunger and the foods and activities that precipitated it and see if there is a pattern in your hunger.

I find it differs for everyone...for me popcorn is My kryptonite...I can't even smell it. I have to avoid cheese like the plague and garlic triggers hunger and cravings as well. But I can have oats, apples and berries with no triggering hunger or cravings...there are others who Can't look at a grain without feeling like they are being sent headlong into a vat of Oreos and Pringles.

and as others have said exercise (particularly cardio) will increase hunger.

Hope you are able to get a handle on this. Most of us unfortunately have the fat gene. I have often joked I'd be the only one on Survivor who is still fat at the end. My body is built to survive food shortage conditions, it adjusts to whatever...evolutionary superiority if you really think about it. Would have been an advantage thousands of years ago...not so much now. I've come to terms with it now.

Band-RNY revision age 50 5'4" HW 260 SW: 244 (bf healthy range 23-35%) bf 23.7% (at 137lbs) cw range 135-138.lbl with butt lift and mastoplexy March 23, 2018...2.5lbs removed.

Pre-op-16lbs (size 18/20...244) M1-16lbs (size 18...228) M2-15.6lbs (size 16/18...212.4) M3-10lbs (size 16..202.4) M4-11.4lbs (size 14...191) M5-10.8lbs (size 12...180.2) M6-8.4 (size 8/10...171.8) M7-6.4 (size 8...165.4 lbs) M8-11.6 (size 6...153.8) M9-5.6 (size 4/6...148.2) M10-5.8 (size 4....142.4) M11-4 (size 2/4...138.4) Surgiversary -1 (size 2/4...137.4) M13-2.6 (size 2/4...134.8) M14 (size 2/4...134.8) M15 (size 2...135) M16 (size 2...131.4) M17 (size 2...135) M18 (size 2...135) M19 (size 2...138) M20 (size 2...135) M21 (size 2...138)

on 1/12/18 9:21 am - Coeur D Alene, ID

I just wanted to touch base with everyone who was kind enough to respond to me last February. And you were all right.

I decided I wanted to avoid revision surgery and figure out a way to get myself under control. It took several months, and me getting up to 192 lbs, for it to finally click and motivate me.

On December 11th, after much research, I started a Keto diet. I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks. I weigh myself on the 1st and 15th, and I'm sure I'm lower than that now.

The trick WAS the carbs - even at 45g net they were way too high for me now that I am in a different phase of life. Oh, did I mention I was diagnosed as peri-menopausal? All the joy of menopause, but still having (unpredictable) periods. Once I got over the carb addiction (keto flu), I am completely satiated now with the higher fats and proteins and very low carbs (less than 10g TOTAL a day, I decided not to count "net").

Anyway, I wanted to publicly come clean and say - YOU WERE ALL RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG.

Pre-RNY Weight: 280 lbs (09/14/05)

Lowest Post-Op Weight: 140 lbs

Starting Ozempic Weight: 180 lbs (08/26/22)

Week 1 Weight: 174 lbs (09/02/22)

on 1/12/18 12:14 pm

Thanks for the update. I'm so happy to read you've found an eating plan that is working for you, resulting in weight loss and satiety. Re-reading this thread, your carbs seemed high, especially as they were net carbs (which was/is a marketing ploy that should be avoided). Congrats on your new lifestyle!

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