Revision from VBG to RNY?

on 1/26/17 3:13 pm

Hi there,

I am new here, I have read a couple of stories similar to mine, but it seems they were logged quite a few years ago.

I had the horrible Vertical Banded Gastroplasty 21 years ago, that apparently is no longer being done.  The doctor that did the surgery has since retired and I have an appointment with a general surgeon in Calgary. 

I have struggled for the last 21 years with issues, after my first year, I had to get the band revised, which at that time meant an open surgery again.  The issues still never went away, I threw up most of the food that I ate, especially veggies, whole grains and even fruits :(  In order to lose the weight that I gained I would do crazy low calorie diets 500 cals to be exact, I'd lose the weight and feel good again, but as soon as I started eating regular foods again, on would come the weight.

Over this last year, I have been diagnosed with BED and depression, both of my parents have been on and off of their death beds, I had a horrible breakup and all of my kids have left the nest and my best friend died of a brain aneurysm at the age of 43.  Hence the depression and the eating, as I eat my feelings.  I am sure someone can relate to that? 

Anyway, I since have also been diagnosed with LPR (silent GERD), my voice has become raspy (and not the sexy kind lol), its hard to swallow and i am up most of the night coughing.  I still throw up all the good stuff and can certainly eat a lot of the bad easy to go down stuff, I have diverticulosis and about 4 years ago had a colon resection due to diverticulitis and I was only in my mid 40"s, I have pain in both of my hips and my lower back due to degenerative disc disease.  I am a complete mess and I am not even 50 yet...oh yeah and the "change" has also started.

So back to my point here, I am seeing Dr. Debru in Calgary on Feb 8 and I am hoping that he will consider me a candidate for revision to an RNY as I think the VSG might not work especially since i have the GERD issue.

Anyone with anything similar? Was there a problem getting the revision? I am sure it will probably have to be an open surgery (which sucks cause after I lost all my weight I got a tummy tuck and now its not so tucked anymore)





on 1/27/17 4:28 pm - WI

I had VBG in 1986 and suffered complications from day one.  I had 6 tumors removed from my esophagus caused by GERD and was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus.  My surgeon really butchered my stomach and I had gone to 6 specialists who told me they had never seen anything like this.  I was finally referred to Mayo Clinic where the top surgeon told me the thought he could fix it.   My RNY does not look like anyone else's, but it worked.  I feel GREAT!

Don't bother with VSG, it could actually make your GERD much worse.  I revised to RNY in 2010.  I woke up from surgery pain free for the first time on over 25 years.  I can eat without vomiting every meal!  RNY saved my life.

 I am 15 pounds below goal and have maintained my weight for over 5 years.    I looked at my revision as a last chance and became an avid rule follower.  I don't eat junk and I measure every portion out and stop eating.  I know if I didn't I would over eat and gain the weight back. I never drink with my meals.  I stay on track because I don't want to ever go back to the pain I went through with the VBG.

Don't wait a minute longer. RUN to that revision surgeon.  It will give you your life back.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 1/27/17 4:32 pm - WI

My surgery was open.  It was a very complicated surgery that took a long time because of the bad job the VGB surgeon did and the excess scar tissue.  I think most people with VBG end up with a revision.  VBG was an epic failure and most surgeons don't even question the need for a revision.  They consider it a mechanical failure.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 1/27/17 6:09 pm

Thank you so much for sharing your story, it sounds very similar to mine. What was your BMI when you had your revision? 

on 2/1/17 4:21 pm - WI

I had regained about 50 pounds and my BMI was 36.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 2/2/17 10:08 am

Again thank you for sharing.

I am not sure if you know or not but after you meet with the doctor how long does it actually take to get in for surgery?


on 2/2/17 7:43 pm - WI

That I can't tell you.  My surgeon at Mayo would have done the surgery the same week that I saw him. He told me that I could not wait much longer without serious problems.  I had to fight with my insurance company for 9 months to get approval.  It was TERRIBLE.  I was very sick and told that I needed the revision to stay alive.  My insurance company kept telling me that the revision was "experimental".  When I finally got approval from the insurance company I was in surgery three days later.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 2/2/17 8:38 pm

Who you sure have an amazing story, I bet you are so happy you are finally healthy again. Well I hope I won't have an issue. Guess I'll have to get scoped first to see what kind of damage there is on the inside. I'm nervous because when I had my vbg done in 98 a year later I had a scope and the staple line had come undone, and that was also open surgery. Then in 2000, I had the same issue and he went in and cut me open a third time. He told me I will never be able to have another revision or a reversal as I had too much scar tissue around my pancreas. So I'm worried that I won't be able to get the RNY :( or anything for that matter. Have you ever heard of someone not being able to have a revision because of too much scar tissue?

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