Will a revision help?

on 1/19/17 8:25 pm

I had gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago and lost 200 lbs.  since then I have put on 100 lbs.   I have an appointment to have a revision done.  I am meeting with the surgeon tomorrow.
I know I blew it.  I got into bad habits and junk food.  My mom passed away and I tried to eat my pain away.  I was wondering if any had a revision done and if so did it help you?  thanks

on 1/20/17 6:25 pm
Revision on 10/04/16

Revisions for weight gain rarely make much of a dent.  Check out dr. Matthew Weiner's videos.  He does talk about it.  You will be able to eat around your revision too.  You will be much more successful addressing the habits and junk food.  I'm sorry to hear about your mother.  Have you tried working with a therapist?

I revised from the band because of all the issues with it.  I'm losing weight I gained after my band broke, but I am following the plan to a t with my new rny.  I know I'll regain if I eat poorly.

also to consider is that revisions are riskier than the original surgery...and whatever you do NOT let them put a band over your bypass....

on 1/21/17 6:20 am

Revisions are riskier that our original surgery. Please reconsider, you had a very valid reason that led you to gain the weight. Be kind to yourself and lose the weight naturally and seek out counseling. 

on 1/21/17 9:49 am

thank you for your help.  I did see the surgeon and he was very nice.  First he wants to do some tests on me to see what is happening inside.  He is going to set me up with a psychiatrist and a nutritionist specializing in emotional eating.  I am very pleased with this surgeon.  I am glad he is looking at all options. I  have thrown all the junk food out and reading over my books again.  I am following the bariatric food menus.  I am going to do this without the revision.  thanks so much all of you for your help.

Laura in Texas
on 1/21/17 7:28 pm

Your doctor sounds like he knows what he is doing. He is doing exactly what good doctors do. It sounds like you now have a good plan of action. You can do this !!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 1/22/17 6:57 am
RNY on 06/21/17

Your doc sounds like he's doing exactly what mine did when I approached her regarding a revision.  I was banded in 2006 and mine has developed problems....we started with that and also started addressing my needing to make sure I was following exactly what I should be following in terms of 'the rules'.   It's definitely a multi-prong process....we need all the parts working together to be successful.  


Banded: 9/14/06

Band Removal: 3/15/17

Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!

I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics

on 2/24/17 10:29 pm
RNY on 11/30/16

hi everyone, I did get my gastroscopy done and the doctor did not find anything.  It is just my eating habits I guess.  I was hoping he would find something than I would have an excuse why I put the weight back on.  Anyway, I am going to start back to basics.  I am starting with liquids, shakes, etc.  and work my way up again.  The only problem is after I eat the puree food that is where I get stuck and don't know what to eat.  All my life I have been eating whatever I want and not liking vegetables and fruit is a problem.   I am trying to get in to see the dietician and get some help.  If anyone has any advice please let me know, thanks.  Next test is the one where you drink something and they take an x ray and see how it travels.  Well I am really depressed but I am determined to get this weight off thanks

on 1/23/17 6:47 pm - Victorville, CA

I've been revised from Band to Bypass... I too feel like I failed myself in that department fir first time around. I have vowed to make sure I use my "new" tool to the best of my ability. I attend multiple support groups, see a therapist who specializes in weight related issues and bariatric surgery patients and make sure I am held accountable to every action... You can do that, you just have to remember we are all human and hopefully you can learn from whatever "short-comings" you may feel you've experienced. 

I love that my surgeon didn't just give up on me when I came to him saying I felt there was a problem. You have made the first step by coming to terms that something needs to be done. Best of luck and keep posting!!

on 1/26/17 11:55 am

I will try to make this short. I had a roux en y revision Nov. 21, 2016. Starting weight 200. I lost 23 lbs by Dec. 26th and and now have been at a complete stall. My surgeon did not tell me it was Going to be such a slow process. Some days I get so discouraged. Any advice would be helpful. 

Renee C.
on 1/29/17 11:44 am - Bellevue, WA
Revision on 02/01/17

Just keep truckin! Are you tracking everything you are eating to make sure you are getting enough protein and not overdoing the calories?  Are you getting in exercise, even if it's just walking?

My surgeon has told me multiple times to expect the loss to be slower and less than if I had the RNY to begin with (I'm having a revision from band to bypass).   Part of it is that if you had a band before and it was ever too tight, you learned to work around it (slider foods, drinking while eating).  Part of it can be physiological -- metabolism changes.

Hang in there!  How are you doing today?


Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017

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