Lap-band Erosion

Sonja M.
on 9/27/16 2:26 pm

I'm curious to find out what other lap-banders have experienced regarding erosion.  My lap-band was placed in 2007 and I dropped 70 pounds in the first 6 months, but not an ounce more.  A couple of years later I moved back to my home state of Illinois.  In 2012 I sought out the sole bariatric surgeon in town to get a fill (hadn't had one since 2009, and had a total of 6.5 cc's in my 10 cc band).  The doc said he was able to put in 7.5 cc's when he only should have had room for 2.5.  He ended up removing all the fluid and sent me for a barium x-ray.  He said that I had a slip and then refused to treat me further because he did not do my original surgery (pretty common response). 

Fast forward 3 years to 2015 (after moving to a bigger city) when I sought another bariatric surgeon to remove my band -- after all, it hadn't had any fluid (i.e., no restriction) for 3 years.  After 2 more barium x-rays, 3 endoscopies, and a swallow study, he determined that my band was eroded into my stomach and needed to come out.  The removal was done in October 2015.  After surgery, my doc said that the band was 80% inside my stomach and that massive scar tissue had formed over the outside of my stomach encasing the band.  On August 9, 2016 I had RNY surgery (essentially a revision) - he wouldn't do the revision when he removed the band in order to let my stomach heal. 

Prior to - and after having lap-band surgery, I don't recall being aware that erosion was possible - but I have a lousy memory.  I'm curious how common this happens and to find out what others have experienced.  I appreciate the input. 

HW - 285 RNY revision surgery weight - 237 GW - 140 CW - 180

M1: -17#; M2: -7#; M3: -10#; M4: -7#; M5: -8#; M6 thru M11 -8#; M12:

Lap band surgery - 8/8/2007 -- lost 70 pounds (maintained 60). Band removal due to erosion - 10/12/2015. RNY revision surgery 8/9/2016.

Rise J.
on 9/29/16 5:24 pm

I had the same problem you had.  The erosion was so bad that the surgeon had to scrape all the pieces out and clear away all the scar tissue from my organs in the area.  A big hole was discovered in my stomach and I had no choice but to have an RNY done. The surgeon said that even if I wanted to have the sleeve it wouldn't have worked because he felt that it would rupture and cause many more problems. Please people out there, don't consider the Lap Band, there have been way to many problems.

on 9/29/16 6:53 pm

I had a lapband put in many years ago.  In 2009 I started having severe abdominal pains.  It hurt to walk, I couldn't eat, and the port area was enflamed and oozing.  Went to my doctor, who sent me for an endoscopy.  When I woke up from the endoscopy, the nurse said that the doctor wants to speak to me.  He came in, and showed my tests to me in full color.  He said the band has eroded into my stomach and it needs to come out as soon as possible.  It's an emergency.  So, I contacted a bariatric surgeon, took my test results and pics to him.  He scheduled me for the surgery in a few days.  I started running a temp too between 100 and 101.  I was in the hospital for 5 days.  I don't remember the type of antibiotics they were giving me, but the nurse said it was very high doses. The doctor explained to me that basically the fluid from my stomach and blood had oozed out of the stomach onto the tube and was traveling.  As I walked the band was rubbing into the stomach more and moving.  Basically cutting my stomach in half.  If I had waited any longer, it could have been a life and death issue.  He cleaned out all the infection, took out the port, flushed everything out.  Couldn't close the port area, it had to be packed 3 times a day for a few weeks until it finally healed and closed up on it's own.  

I had told him I was looking into having a DS.  He said that my stomach has to heal at least 6 months.  I was lucky.  Even though I have scars from the infected port area.

I never had the DS done, but I did have the VSG done.  The surgeon couldn't perform the DS, because I had such severe adhesions.  I am now discussing with revision surgeons to fix me and get a full DS and it will have to be done open.  I want the remainder of my life to be healthy, and enjoy life.

I hear lapband, I get a sick feeling in my stomach.  Foreign objects just don't belong inside the body like that.  Doctors also should tell patients that the band can't stay in there forever.  It should be removed after a couple of years.  




on 9/29/16 6:56 pm
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