VBG revision to BY-PASS

tracy O.
on 7/28/16 3:48 am, edited 8/8/16 5:16 am - shelby

I am 7 years post-op from VBG and having a lot of trouble keeping food down except soft foods yogurt mashed potatoes , gravy etc. which is high in carbs and sugar feeling very week need protein but can't eat meats it wont stay down I get to hurting in my chest really bad and it has to come back up no matter how good I chew it. went for a scope last Thursday and my gastro doc said my esophagus was very inflamed and the opening was very small and he did not feel comfortable stretching it. Go tomorrow for a Barium swallow and Barium Pill(not sure what the pill is for) but when I see him again on the 29th of august after this test we would talk about going back to a Bariatric Surgeon. eating the hi carb high sugar has put on an extra 10lbs and that has really upset me. I had lost 100lbs with the VBG but no more I'm back up to 260lbs now.

I'm so scared nobody can help me, can anyone in the Charlotte NC recommend a good surgeon I can trust with this kind of revision I feel desprate. sorry for such a long post just had to get it out there for some input.


thanks for your time.

Kathy S.
on 7/28/16 8:22 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with


We are so sorry to hear all you are going through.  Try drinking protein drinks to get your protein in until they can do something for you.  We have sent you an email and PM'd you with some surgeons in your area that may be able to assist you.  

Stay in touch and let us know how things are going please 




HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/29/16 5:17 am - WI

Run, don't walk, to that revision surgeon.  

I had VBG in 1986 and suffered everyday for 25 years.  My surgeon "disappeared" and no other doctor would touch me.  It got so bad that I saw 7 doctors who basically told me that I was going to end up with cancer of the esophagus if I could not find a surgeon to fix it.  The vomiting caused me to develop Barrett's Esophagus.  I had 6 pre-cancerous tumors removed.  Finally I was referred to Mayo clinic.  They revised me to RNY and I woke up pain free for the first time in 25 years.  RNY saved my life.  I no longer vomit everything I eat.  I followed the rules religiously and have been 15 pounds below my goal weight for 6 years.  I feel GREAT!

I don't know any surgeons in your area.  If you are willing to travel, Dr. Michael Sarr at Mayo in Rochester, Minnesota did my surgery.  Choose a good surgeon, it is a VERY difficult fix.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 8/11/16 5:42 am

I just had a revision from the sleeve to gastric bypass at MUSC. It is in Charleston, SC, but the 3 hour drive is worth the quality of care you receive. I had my sleeve at a different facility in a different state. I would recommend MUSC to anyone anywhere. I've had no issues and Dr. Byrne & his team are great!! They have a whole bariatric program and are a Center for Excellence. I've been using their bariatric support system for 3 years




HW: 268  SW: 243  GW: 150

on 8/20/16 10:32 am - CT

I am 5 yrs Vbg post op and I'm scheduled for a revision to RNY on the 29th. I have the same problem as you but I was able to eat meat but vomiting and pain.


My surgeon is Dr Oliver Whipple in Savannah, GA

on 10/12/16 5:22 am
VBG on 01/01/89


I was reading your story.  I hope that something can be done for you.  I also had a VBG, many years ago, however.  I suffer with GERD and have gained all my weight back plus more.  I am seeing a surgeon now who is gong to convert my VBG to a gastric bypass soon.  Right now I am on a diet to lose weight before going back to see the surgeon again.  I live in Canada, and would really like to be support buddies, if you are interested.  Please let me know if there is more to your story now, that several months have passed.  :)

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