Sleeve to Resleeve?

on 7/18/16 9:30 am

I had VSG in August 2010 and  I am considering a revision.  My research leads me to believe that the DS would be the best option however the surgeon that I visited told me that I am not having enough to meet the requirements for the DS.  I have Aetna HMO and I'm clear about the revision requirements and I certainly do meet them  but this particular surgeon does not believe me for some reason. I was originally 240  and got down to 170 after surgery. I am now approximately 210.  I have been successful getting back down to 175 two times but this is only when I restrict myself to 500 to 700 cal per day which is difficult to do when I don't feel much restriction. My surgeon says my sleeve probably could've been made smaller initially. There are no other DS surgeons in my area  so after being rejected by the DS  surgeon I went back to my original surgeon who did my sleeve.  It sounds as though he thinks Resleeve would be a good option for me. Has anyone had any experience with this? Also, does insurance always require the same long drawn out process for revision as they do for an initial surgery? 

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 7/20/16 11:33 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

You'd really have to check with your insurance if you have to jump thru ins hoops again. It might be possible that your sleeve was done big, or it could be that since you're so far out from surgery it is fully mature & maybe a bit bigger than mature sleeves done recently.

500-700 calories seems really low to be able to lose weight, hopefully a re sleeve will give you the results you want.

You can check out the 5day meat test in my signature if you're looking for ideas to get back on track in the meantime. Julie created the site & it has been helpful to me & others. Maybe you won't have to go under the knife again. Good Luck either way. 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

L. 68
on 7/25/16 10:58 am

HI T  How are you doing...   Im going to try this MEAT TEST STARTING TODAY!..  MONDAY TO FRIDAY?  how much does the average person lose on this?

I went to my Doc today for my 8 week follow up   Yes 2 months already...  im down 22lbs      (250 - 228)  i think its going sloww but i was well aware of the possibility of me being a slow loser due to me having a revision and low BMI to start with as my doctor reminded me again of today.  he said i was doing well i look and feel great i am walking 2 to 4 miles per day  and i am cleared to go back to the gym to do strength and swim aerobics.  But as normal im stuck on the scale numbers..   but i have to admit the inches are coming off.  im starting to get back in to some of my clothes.  He said to keep on doing what i am doing  up the protein and drink tha****er..   lol   yes.  

so back to the meat diet ....since i  just read this im just going to continue the rest of the day with meat only .  i had black coffee with gene pro scoop (thats 30 grams of protein per scope and 98 calories)  and a can of sardine.  THATS OK RIGHT.?  

i am craving a burger right now like one of those homemade burgers huge with no bread yup thats what im going to have for lunch.  

Can you give me a sample of your meat plan .  


so im taking it that we cannot have cheese or cream or cottage cheese right.  send me your  day plan and how much did you lose from it .

Thanks ..

"Your not a failure if you fall your a failure if you fall and don't get up"

" Beauty is Pain"

L. 68
on 7/25/16 11:15 am

i just opened up the sample menues and testimonials i didnt see the screen very well lololol   ...  Thanks i printed them out...

hopefully this will knock off a few lbs by friday..   and then by my next visit in one month.  


Thanks again....

"Your not a failure if you fall your a failure if you fall and don't get up"

" Beauty is Pain"

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 7/27/16 5:42 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Hey girl!, How ya doing? Glad your Dr said that he's happy with your progress & to be patient. I use the 5dmt whenever I needed to get back off the carbs. I still eat dairy like cheese & eggs on the 5dmt because they had meat parents. lol 

I stay with dense protein because it fills me up, the shakes not so much, if anything it's to supplement or use when I'm short on time.

Stick with it, the scale will move eventually. 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

L. 68
on 7/27/16 11:46 am

Thanks T.   


Im doing good i am continuing to see the difference in my clothes so im not that mad but its a bad habit with the scale..Went 2 mile walking early this morning might go do another 1 or 2 this evening..  today i had left over steak from last nights dinner  and yes i find that dense protein does fill me up and for a longer time..  will continue the 5 day meat plan hopefully a couple falls off for good by Monday...  lol


Thanks again..

"Your not a failure if you fall your a failure if you fall and don't get up"

" Beauty is Pain"

Willie H.
on 7/29/16 7:34 am
VSG on 08/26/14

I gotta tell you. The Meat Test was recommended to me also by her and it got me right back on my journey! After 2 days I did not crave carbs or sweets and afterwards was able to get back to he program and lower portions. It's hard to just step into low-carb but with the Meat Test it's a seamless move!

Although I believe that the VSG has done it's job, i'e' losing 50%-70% of the weight we need to lose. I still am having a hard time losing more but I do feel much more healthier and I am back again to where I was at my lowest. (247lbs) I came out of High School at 255lbs-of course then most of it was muscle. I think our bodies remain at certain weights based on fat memory. But eventually if we keep on we will bust through it.

The key is I am eating healthier, feel better, having no low BS episodes, etc. The Meat Test is very helpful in getting back on track so if I find myself again going off program I keep it IN mind. I also enjoy the Intermittent Fasting, i.e eating just between 11:00 am - 7:00 pm, allowing my body to digest AND TAKE A BREAK. Just eating between 8 hours and off for 16 hours helps me a lot and I can adjust the hours if I go out and have a later night. And on the Meat Fast since you are not hungry, it's a good 3-5 day breaker! Not for everyone but it seems to work well for me, not only for for weight lost but even more so on how I feel.

The advice and suggestions on this forum are invaluable -and as long as we continue to visit this site periodically, even if only to read of others journey I think we can stay on track. I find when I do not come here for a few weeks-sadly, that is...when...well life gets in the way and I find myself a little askew of program. So it's a great aid-at least for me- in keeping me within my program's parameters. Also, remember to keep journaling your food-that's another invaluable aid that we tend to forget time and again. Back to basics-always works! So again - Thanks ALL!



  Vertical Gastric Sleeve-(8/26/14)HW 347lbs SW-328lbs CW-247 lbs  GW-212lbs Randolph,                                                                                       "LOVE" is knowing someone has the power to hurt you, yet TRUST that they won't"  "Sing like no one's listening and dance like no one's watching!!"






on 7/29/16 9:28 am - TX

Have any of the docs done an endoscopy and looked at your stomach?  How does he know it's too big?  Before I made any decisions, I'd want them to take a look.

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