Re-Sleeve This Week!
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I've never had a revision, but I've heard that they lose at a slower rate versus a virgin surgery. I would guess the expectations would be the same as the first time around. You'll lose weight but probably at a slower rate & ultimately it'll come down to what you eat that'll determine how much you'll lose.
If you keep your head in the game you should lose those pounds/kg. Good luck to you on your upcoming surgery.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
I am having the re-sleeve surgery this week... Has anyone else had a re-sleeve? It seems like all of the posts talk about revision from sleeve to RNY or DS. Will my weight loss be as great the second time around? I still need to lose about 36kg... what can I expect?
Usually revisions are not as great the second time if it is the same surgery. Unless it is one where you are going from a band to sleeve, band to bypass or sleeve to DS or bypass. Most band to band, sleeve to sleeve, or bypass overstitch do not have the high weight loss as the original surgery.
Hello Cherie, I was re-sleeved four months ago and also had a hernia fixed. My first vsg was in 2010, I lost 80 pounds but gained back 30, eating to many carbs plus my (new) doctor said my sleeve was too big. The hernia was pushing down on my stomach which made it an hourglass shape. I know they say you loss slower but I've lost faster and I have less to loss. I've lost 45 pounds and need to loss another 27 pounds to goal. They one reason why I think I am losing better is because I don't add any carbs except from veggies, a little fruit, and protein shakes. I also try not to think much about numbers and focus on just eating healthy.
I'm so happy I decided to resleeve and not do rny or ds. They seem to extreme for me. My doctor told me I would most likely get the same results from rny and resleeving.
Good luck to you, I know its scary but I'm sure it will work out as good for you as it did for me.