Revision Consultation 14 years post op!

on 4/28/16 4:58 am

I never thought I would be in the position of needing to research WLS again 14 years out....but here I am with a regain of 40-50 pounds and a return of my comorbities.  I have an appointment to see a surgeon on June 6th.

Please give me any kind of feedback as far as what questions to be prepared with, and things to look for as far as what they offer.  The world of WLS has changed dramatically in 14 years, I feel totally lost.

on 4/28/16 9:26 am
Revision on 12/23/15

I had the old VBG (Gastric Banded Gastroplasty) in 1999 and had revision to RNY on 12/23/15.  Best decision I ever made.  The hardest part was getting the insurance to approve it even though I had numerous medical complications.  I hope it all goes smoothly for you.


Marie Campbell

Peru Indiana

on 4/30/16 6:16 pm


on 4/29/16 3:04 pm

I am in the same boat.  I too thought I will never let that happen to me again.  I am researching and looking  for revision information.  Let me know how your appointment goes.  I feel lost and out of control as well.  I had my surgery in 2003..lost 245 pounds and now gained about 80 back and I am so disappointed in myself.  I am older now and it's harder to lose weight...I wish you only good answers and hope it works out for you!

on 4/30/16 6:15 pm

Thank you !


(deactivated member)
on 5/1/16 12:44 pm
Revision on 07/05/16

Hi Linda. I too was amazed at all the advancements made in WLS! I had open Roux En Y Gastric Bypass Surgery in July of 2002.

I have two gastric gastro fistulas connecting my old pouch to my old stomach. I intially found out in 2012. and only had one fistula. A different doctor tried to repair it. That surgery was unsuccessful. Last year I went to a different surgeon and his endoscopy showed extensive pouch dialation and a second fistula. I chose to cancel that revision surgery (was to be on Oct. 22nd 2015 in Buffalo NY) as we closed on the house and moved down south. 

I found a very friendly and caring surgeon in Savannah GA who will schedule my revision in about 3 months after I quit smoking (started smoking 9 op) and have negative (nicotine free) urine tests. His name is Dr.Whipple.

One positive thing was that insurance most often will cover the revision as it's considered a complication of original surgery. 

The tests I had done to find the fistulas were a Barium Swallow with XRays, and an endoscopy.

Best of luck to you. I know it's frustrating! 

Megan M. :-)

on 5/2/16 9:03 am

I can't thank you enough for all the information! What symptoms did you have besides weight gain?


(deactivated member)
on 5/2/16 12:31 pm
Revision on 07/05/16


You're welcome! Besides the weight gain I have stomach pain that is treated with Omeprazole, 40mg once daily. It's actually an acid reflux medication but for whatever reason it stops the sharp stabbing stomach pain! I also am never full despite high fiber high protien and that was very noticable after feeling full very quickly, then having that full sensation pretty much dissapear. I get nauseous often and vomit about once a week that I was told is probably from food being caught in the fisula. So I try to chew more before swallowing, which we are all usually told to fo anyway.

Hope this info helps as well!

Megan M. :-)

on 5/3/16 7:24 am

Thanks Megan, Keep me posted!


Michelle W.
on 5/18/16 11:24 am - WA

Oh wow... I am so glad I see your post. I too am in a similar situation... 5 years postop and looking at a revision. Mostly due to medical complications, but certainly have had some weight regain. I would love to follow and see how things go for others!

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