Herniated Pouch - esophogus not working

on 4/27/16 8:13 pm

Hi Everyone,

I used to belong to this site back in 2005 when I had my RNY.. life and lots of changes since then.  Long story short.. 11 years of complications.. food aversions.. blind end.. really bad bypass right out of the gate - it was done incorrectly. (Long Story)  I'm lucky to be alive with all the side issues from the original bypass.

I'm under a new Dr's care, and have been consistently throwing up, nausea, queasy, lethargic and so on.. I had a barium test, endoscopy, colonoscopy and every other test known to get to the route causes.

2 blind ends (1 from original surgery) another that was hidden behind my pouch and now I have a herniated pouch (probably from all the throwing up)

Has anyone had a herniated pouch?  It looks like a totally new bypass is in my future to get rid of everything and start over from scratch.

Just looking for some feedback as to what to expect. 

Thanks bunches,


on 5/24/16 11:01 am

I'm going through something very similar...but I am so lacking nutrients that they are waiting and I am going back to the bariatric advantage shakes til July if it will digest. I had surgery in 2010 for roux en y but 12 peptic ulcer and 14 hiatal hernia and now another hiatal hernia and plus the candy cane loop! Have you progressed at all... I'm n so much pain!

on 5/24/16 12:22 pm

No I haven't I go back to my new Dr this Friday for a follow up and to see what the plan is going to be. I'm on protein shakes and medicine to keep me from throwing up. 

I just want my health back

on 5/24/16 1:25 pm

well I have had a hiatal hernia before and the surgery for that part. It's about same as original rny but a lil less. 3 or 4 days. It was not bad but this time I am seeing a different surgeon because I moved out of Cali and now in Florida but this endoscopy showed the blind loops and says very abnormal and unsure of being able to fix it... Keep me posted on how yours goes! Please!

on 5/24/16 7:42 pm

My Surgeon is mentioning of completely doing an open surgery due to the extensive issues I have.  This has been ongoing, and I had a major abdomen repair last year that I think compounded the issues that were always there. :(    I'm constantly queasy or throwing up.  My pouch has herniated through my abdomen wall, however the Dr. doesn't want to touch it, until we have a good plan in place to give me a complete head to tow "new" bypass.. clean everything up and then some.  Anything is better than what I have.  I can't eat unless it's mush and even then I have extreme discomfort, throwing up sometimes and the queasy feeling is NUTS.

I have two blind loops/ends that were caused/created by the Dr who did my initial surgery 11 years ago.  We're still trying to figure out why he decided it was a good idea.  LOL.

I'll let you know how I make out on Friday with my Dr.



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