L. 68
on 2/1/16 4:19 pm

Hi OH Family,


        I don't know what to do.  I am getting a revision from band to sleeve.  i have a date set already March 1,  But the problem is my band is not working right now my doc unfilled it when i went for my consult for revision on Jan 11th.  So you know what that means ...i can eat everything and anything in sight and my nerves are shot im anxious and that is what i do EAT EAT EAT so while im waiting for my surgery date and official approval from my insurance how do i control my eating.  It doesn't matter if i gain weight but i dont want to.  im getting ready to start WW and see if i can start to lose weight or at least maintain  arrrrgggggggg  HELP!!


What has others done while waiting for this type of procedure and no restriction from band...



on 2/1/16 5:53 pm - Granada Hills, CA

It sounds like you have some issues you probably should work out before you consider going ahead with your is always going to be filled with anxiety and other strong emotions but to be successful with any WLS, you need to deal without relying on food. I highly recommend you check out Overeaters Anonymous and really use that program to control your eating. Sadly, I had to experience a major regain a couple years after my VSG in order to really commit to the program so my hope for you and anyone else struggling is to deal with the issues early on so you don't have my same experience. While I still have "some restriction" at 4.5 yrs out, I absolutely cannot rely on it to control my weight. It's 90% about what I eat, when I eat, how much I eat and why I eat. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


L. 68
on 2/2/16 7:46 am



Yes i know that this is only a tool and i did well with it (the band) but now that it is not working i have to get another tool(revision) i was only venting i know i have eating issues and i will do my best not to gain at the least before MARCH 1.  



on 2/1/16 6:11 pm - Vancouver, WA

My band was empty for 2 yrs before I was able to have it removed and I not only didn't gain I lost a little more because I still ate all meals on a small plate and didn't dish up more than what I was supposed to eat. I still eat this way and 3 yrs after my band was removed (no revision) I am at goal. I have no choice in getting a revision so either I eat this way or I regain everything and I'm not willing to do that! So the choice is up to you, stay busy, go for walks, read books, do crossword puzzles or even buy a color book what ever it takes to keep you out of the kitchen.

L. 68
on 2/2/16 7:50 am








on 2/2/16 9:54 pm - Vancouver, WA

Yep still maintaining after 2 yrs without any surgery. I can't do a revision because in the years I had the band I developed COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) where my lungs don't work well so no surgeries unless I'm in danger of dying and even then many docs would still refuse to operate on me. Right now I have hernias I would love to get fixed because of the heartburn but no one will touch me. I stay within 10 lbs of my goal weight of 160, I'm 5'6" and in my sixties so not too worried about being stick skinny I'd rather keep a little cushion on me. My band was removed because of the heartburn it was causing and it was giving me pain in my right side even after my Gall bladder was removed. It was so painful that even my narcotic pain meds for my severely arthritic back didn't put a dent in it. I was already in the hospital with some heart issues and I just told hubby to go see my surgeon and tell him to get it out NOW! About 3 days later they were both gone the band and the pain but the band did give me gastroparesis or slow stomach emptying which still bothers me a lot and is pretty painful. That probably helps keep me from over eating too.

on 2/1/16 8:26 pm

You can do it you know the amount of food you are suppose to be eating stay with your diet exercise and drink plenty of water.You are a strong dedicated woman who has her eye on the prize stick with it you only have about 14 days before going on your liquid diet this gives you chance to prove to yourself how bad you want to be a winner you are a winner don't give up on yourself you are Finally Loving Yourself

L. 68
on 2/2/16 7:41 am

Hi Cmcelfish,

Thank you so much for the words of encouragement.  My scale was 1.8 lbs DOWN this morning.  I'm what you consider being a lightweight so i don't have to do any fasting 2 weeks before if i do its because i want to.  My main goal right now is to maintain this weight or lose a couple before March 1.  Thanks i just felt very anxious yesterday and i go to food for comfort (I'm sure most people can relate).  

How are you doing?  Did you call your insurance or the office to get some answers.?




on 2/2/16 9:34 am

My insurance company hasn't heard anything the doctor is waiting to I see my nuts last appointment on the 12 th. I am just getting impatient .

You hang in there I want to see you do well so you can get on with your life. You got so much going for you don't let temptation get to you.

    Myself my NUT on the last appointment told me I needed to eat more calories ,fat and carbs I was hurting my metabolism so I did for 11 days. 

I gained ten pounds so on day 12 I went back to what I was doing. I have loss five of the ten pounds and now stalled. I am exercising more

 The scale won't move. I have ten days before I see her again. I don't want to go back on a weigh gain.

           I am very happy for your good news of March 1

L. 68
on 2/2/16 10:44 am

Thanks Cmcelfish,

Just cause they are certified nutritionist doesn't mean they know it all.  You know what works for you,  the body is YOURS  at least you can say you tried it her way and it DIDn't work Your way is working.


I will definately keep you posted and you keep me posted as well.  Did you get a tentative date?  



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