on 1/8/16 11:39 am

Sooo finally my weightloss surgery journey will be continuing. I've been on a looong pause lol!!! I had lapband surgery in 2005. I lost close to 100 pounds, then my band stopped working (around 2009****pt going in for fills that would miraculousy "evaporate" within several hours. I was accused of eating around the band (shakes, ice cream, chips, etc., which was not the case at all)! Over the years, I have gone through so much. Took years before another bariatric surgeon would even agree to touch me, and he ended up being shady. After years of research, I was finally able to find info on my band and learned that there had been a recall on the needles used because they were discovered to have caused leaks. I spoke with someone at the company and received a letter to take to my surgeon(s), which I did. I was told that I could have my band/tubing replaced but would have to pay out of pocket and then get recompensated from the company. Well, I was nowhere near able to afford that surgery, so there was nothing I could do. Fastforward to open enrollment 2015. I finally made the decision to research my insurance coverage options (FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME) to find out if there was ANY WAY I could see the original surgeon who did my band so long ago. You can only imagine the joy I felt when I found out I could switch plans to see him, which I did immediately. So, I went to see my new PCP earlier this week and explained my situation to her. She put in a referrral that same day for me to see my OG surgeon. His office called me yesterday, and I have an appt to see him on the 4th of next month. Now, serious jitters and heart palpitations are present. I am SO nervous, because I now know this is the beginning of whatever else oqs to come in my wls journey. It's scary, because I haven't been seen by anyone in so long and have just kind of allowed myself to accept that I would just keep this useless tool inside my body forever. I know my surgeon is going to go ask about what I plan to do since my band will be removed, and this terrifies me, because although I need surgery, I am not at a place where I necessarily want it right now. Just not sure if I want to go through it all aaaaaallllll over agian. I feel as if this post is all over the place, but just needed to get that off my chest and wanted to share, because I have posted a bit about my experience. Hope everyone is having a great day =D

L. 68
on 1/8/16 12:29 pm

Hi K,


First congratulations on finding someone to remove the useless band.  I too have one that was put in since 2006 lost 80 lbs but because of acid reflux gerd ect.. i couldn't fill it because i was in to much bothered with the burning in my chest and throwing up if i did put a fill so i have been basically on my own again about 2years now doing yoyo dieting and diet pills ect...and now i too have an appt, on monday for a revision i am so excited as the weight has been creeping back on..  

Back to you.  how much weight have you gained back since the band stop working for you in 2009 if indeed you did gain?  R u comfortable at the weight you r now.  Besides removing this useless object what else is it that you want.  Perhaps another one if the leak was the only issue or another surgery all together..

looing forward to reading your answers.

I hope you get everything you want?



on 1/8/16 1:26 pm

R. blain, thanks so much for responding! I have gsined most of my weight back unfortunately. Although I am so grateful for being so happy at this time, i def am not content with my currwnt weight. I know I need a revision, but just don't feel as if I'm ready to endure the entire wls process all over again. It was so difficult, and now I've gotten used to so much I hadn't really realized I was missing (eating out with friends and family, being ablw to drink an entire glassof water in one aitting, eating foods I haven't been able to eat for years and I'm actually talking about veggies, fruits and nuts believe it or not..I was never able to eat any of that with the band! Ifi do decide to have a revision, I have no idea what I will go with.  I will have to discuss it with my surgeon and see what he thinks. I feel as if I'm done with the band. The more i think about it, the more I think I don't want a foreign object in my body again. However, I do have experience with it, and i was quite successful with it until the leak, but not sure if im willing to take such a chance again. It all drives me crazy with the thinking.the reason I chose the band in the first place was because I didn't want to have my stomach cut and the surgeons were cconstantly pushing that the band was "less invasive" than the RnY.I have PCOS as well as metabolic syndrome so I suppose my decision would be based on what would be the best outcome for the symptoms related to these issues. 

I hope all goes well with your revision. Please keep me ppsted on your experience. Perhaps it will encourage me to make up my mind lol

on 1/8/16 6:53 pm - Vancouver, WA

If you have PCOS the very best surgery for that is the DS duodenal switch which is restrictive like the sleeve and band and also has malabsorbtion like the RNY altho few surgeons do it. You should probably read up on all the surgeries so you can make an informed choice.

on 1/8/16 7:15 pm

Hislady, thank you so much for that advice! I have been researching all forms of wls and honestly have no idea which I would be willing to lean towards more. I am not aware of any surgeons here in san diego who perform the ds, but that doesn't mean it isn't done here. I only know about a dozen surgeons here, and there are so many more! I will research more on that particular surgery to be more up to date about it.  Thanks a bunch!!!!!!

on 1/8/16 6:56 pm, edited 1/8/16 10:57 am - Vancouver, WA

R blain if you have a great deal of acid reflux the sleeve is not a good surgery for you since it makes GERD worse depending on what is causing it. If it is the band causing it or a hernia it may be fixable and a sleeve would work but your surgeon should probably do some testing before hand to make sure a sleeve would be a good option for yoy, you might have to look at RNY if the acid is too severe.

L. 68
on 1/8/16 7:30 pm

Thank you Hislady,


All of the advice and information i am getting will help me set up a list of questions to my Doc .  I see him on Monday  i cant wait so excited.  

i have never been a fan of the RNY because first i dont want to lose 100 lbs and i know we r years later since RNY started or should i say decades but im very scared of the malabsorbtion part of it but at this point i will hear what my doc has to say.


Thanks i will keep you posted when i get back from doc's...

Have a great weekend!!






L. 68
on 1/8/16 7:48 pm


Hi K, 


After reading your original post again, i can really relate and understand wanting to enjoy the foods (all of them) drinking with your friends and family and missing it so much.  My only suggestion (if you like) is to enjoy as much as you are comfortable with for as long as your comfortable with just know that wls and meare always here for you.  


I think that is why i really stayed with my useless band for so long i know there is another choice when i am good and ready  and yes i made that decision on new years day 2016.. and boy am i eating anything and everything i want with a optimistic attitude that a decision will be made on monday and i will be moving forward to my next chapter of WLS..or Life..


I will keep u posted on Monday after my visit.



r. blain

formerly 2006 liposuction lolol


L. 68
on 1/11/16 4:20 pm

Hi Guys.


Well today i went to my appt. for revision and my doc and i decided the sleeve would be the best and i agreed.  I am so happy, we discussed if he would do it both (remove band and do sleeve) at the same time and he said he would have to determine that after i get my upper GI workup done to see what condition my esophagus is (due to the reflux gerd ext.). although it seems that he would prefer to do it in two steps to let me heal after removal of band.  so i asked him what is the least amount of time for that and he said 6 weeks which i can deal with oppose to the 6 months i have read that some people have to wait, again this is all based on the outcome of the Upper Gi barium swallow that i set up already for January 25 yeahhhhh i am on the fast race to getting this done and the best part is with my insurance i do not have to any nutritional monthly visits for 6 months or any of the other requirements ex: psyche eval  i will have to do pre op visit including blood work chest xray but i can have all that done right after they remove the band.  I am on the way to my next chapter of wls..  Yeahhhhhh...  


Thanks for listening oops .... i mean reading  



L. 68
on 1/11/16 4:22 pm

ohh i forgot to mention he unfilled me completely i thought i was already unfilled but he was able to get out .25  im freeeee  lololol..  well not just yet....lolol

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