
Kathleen M.
on 11/5/15 3:00 pm - Atkinson, NH


I have not been here in many years because I managed to keep my weight off for 10+ years. Now I find myself researching a revision surgery because I have gained 60 pounds in 18 months. I had the gold standard RNY in 2002, lost 155 lbs. to a low of 170. I settled in around 190 and stayed in that range for years. I had breast reduction, abdominoplasty, arm reduction and felt wonderful. Now I am up to 260 and feeling like my "tool" just doesn't work any more. 

I saw a local bariatric surgeon who had me go for an upper GI and cat scan, both of which showed everything is working fine. No measurements were taken and i am definitely thinking I have stretched my pouch and can eat more. I am told that insurance will only cover if it is medically necessary. I have the means to pay for the revision myself if insurance won't but I am just starting to investigate my options. Has anyone heard of StomaphyX? In researching, I came across this procedure which is not invasive but I am looking for someone that has had experience with it, good or bad. 

Thank you! :)


on 11/6/15 2:02 am

dear its tough will work . pls go on liquid diet n drink slowly n all. in 15 days your pouch will srink try this first than see if not working go for surgery like me.

on 11/10/15 6:49 am

hey Cry. What surgery did you have. The Stomaphyx? How was it. Did you have a sleeve? I am five years   post op and up 10 pounds but I can see the writing on the wall and feel like my pouch is stretched although I do not do what I used to do post sleeve. ie. Wait an hour after drinking to eat. Avoid sliding food. etc...let me know your thoughts. Seaview

on 11/19/15 11:34 am - Harrison Twp, MI

My story is similar to yours except with infertility treatments and a twin pregnancy I regained 90 lbs. Plus I never really got to my goal weight either. My family doctor referred me to a surgeon, he reviewed my surgery records, and told me on paper my surgery was done incorrectly. We discussed the Stomaphyx vs. opening me up totally to try to repair the original surgery and we decided to take the less invasive path first with the Stomaphyx therapy since we have 7-year old twins and 10-weeks recorvery would be difficult. Then after 6-months if I didn't show significant weight loss we would consider the open surgery. He is very happy with my progress (see below).

My first was done August 7th and my 4th/final one is scheduled for the 25th next week. I have to rest/recover for 2-3 days after and be on the clear/cloudy liquids for 4-days after and then soft foods. I have gone back to basics with my eating, track my eating and exercise with an app, cannot eat more than approx. 950 calories per day or more than 1/2 a premier protein shake (11 oz.) per serving, and I have lost 42 lbs. so far. It has been slow and steady, my bad cravings have gone away, and I am happy I took the steps needed to reclaim a healthy lifestyle.

BTW when the surgeon did the first therapy/scope he found my stoma was so large it was not keeping food in my pouch that was also made excessively large. We found out I was patient #7 in the original surgeon's practice, so I guess it was like we were guinea pigs. Now I can definitely feel when my pouch is getting full...even from drinking water in between meals.

Gook luck!


on 11/19/15 8:03 pm
Revision on 12/10/12


RNY 2002 279lbs lost to 179lbs kept it off for 5 years. Steady gain back to 240. DS revision 2012 lost to 119 now setting in at 127. I am 5'7". 

I looked into having my pouch reduced this way. I also looked into having my stoma tightened and more intestine bypassed. Distal RNY. Thank goodness I did neither. For me there was not enough long term success information and I did not want to have to look into another surgery down the line. 

For me DS was the best option. I was not an easy start for me but I am doing great now and know I did the right thing. 

Good luck

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





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