Lap Band to Sleeve questions

on 10/27/15 9:58 pm, edited 10/27/15 10:00 pm - toronto, Canada
Lap Band on 08/09/06 with

Hi Everyone,

I had a lap band about 9 years ago. I was able to get (and keep) most of my weight off (within 20 lbs). Over the last year or so my weight has creeped back up and recently I had an issue with the band and had to have it emptied. The doctors in the emergency room used the incorrect needle and now it leaks so refilling isn't an option at this time. Since then (6 weeks) I have gained almost 30lbs. I feel like someone handed me back a drug addiction. I haven't felt restriction-free eating in almost a decade and I'm struggling bad. I'm considering switching to a sleeve instead of the band and was wondering if anyone here had done that? I'm getting conflicting information as the whether you can have the band removal and the sleeve done in one surgery, and if it's safe to do so. Some doctors say they will do it, some won't. The ones that won't all tell me a different waiting time between surgeries (anywhere between 6 weeks and 6 months) and I'm afraid the doctors that will do it will either not be able to and just don't say it beforehand so you'll use them, or if they do it they will not do a good job/take risks and putting my health and safety in jeopardy. I've also been told that the longer your band is in, the higher the likelihood of needing two surgeries. I really would like to avoid two surgeries if possible.

Any help, information appreciated :)

on 10/28/15 11:25 am

Tomorrow morning I go in for the Sleeve surgery. I had my lap band out in 2012. I too was successful with the band, losing about 130 lbs. and maintaining that until the band slipped, and kept slipping to the point of it twisting around my stomach. I had to have it removed. At that time, my dr wanted to give me the sleeve, but I was not yet ready for that. He told me that I could have that surgery at the same time, IF there was not a lot of scar tissue or other complications from the band. I still opted out then.

It really depends on what your doctor finds upon removal of the band. There are many success stories of having the revision at the same time, and just as many stories of doctor's deciding not to do the revision based on their findings during surgery.

Good luck to you in any case,


on 10/30/15 5:35 pm - toronto, Canada
Lap Band on 08/09/06 with

thank you so much for the info! How did your surgery go? Can I ask how long you had your band for?

on 10/31/15 9:15 am, edited 11/1/15 1:17 am
On October 31, 2015 at 12:35 AM Pacific Time, ryhan wrote:

thank you so much for the info! How did your surgery go? Can I ask how long you had your band for?


Surgery went fine. I am home today. Feeling gassy, more than anything else. Trying to get down some tea...but it's taking forever. I think once the gas finally DOES pass, I will be ok again.

I had my band for around 6 years or so. GLAD to have gotten rid of it. It REALLY helped me lose the weight and maintain my goal, until it slipped and twisted. One of the worst times of my life.

Now, it's onto another chapter. I am STILL a bit freaked out when I think about this not being reversible, but I try not to dwell on that. I did what I did, and now it's time to move on.





Karen D.
on 10/30/15 10:41 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15

Hi - I have had my band since 2006 as well and am revising to the sleeve on 11/24 because I'm having trouble with it too. Pretty much what you've been told is right. Some docs make you wait, some will do it in 1 surgery. I haven't heard of anyone on this board have the band/revision done on the same day have any complications. My docs plan is 1 surgery but he knows how I feel. I trust him 100% but I said that if there was any chance of issues, take the band and I'll do the sleeve later. He would like to avoid 2 surgeries, said he'll have to see what happens when he gets in there. I'm nervous already.

I'll be back after my surgery and update how it went if it'll help you.

on 10/30/15 5:34 pm - toronto, Canada
Lap Band on 08/09/06 with

an update would be awesome!! I booked my (single) surgery today- December 1st!! Can't wait!


on 11/3/15 11:39 am

Hi There -

I have had my band since 2002. I had a slip one and it was repaired. At my lowest, I had lost 130 lbs. I subsequently had several children, a slip, a gall bladder removal. I have never been able to find the sweet spot again. I would start losing, then start vomiting, then loosen the band, gain weight, tighten band, start losing and then vomiting again.

It has been a vicious cycle for years. In August I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. My band surgeon said I should repair the hernia, and replace my band with a newer version (I still have the original lap band system). I went for a second opinion and I will be having revision surgery this Thursday. I am nervous to say the least. I have been without restriction since August and the weight gain is awful. I am always hungry and never full.

I will keep you posted on how it goes. I will have both procedures during the same surgery and should be discharged Friday.

Wish me luck!


Karen D.
on 11/4/15 6:19 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15

Good luck!! Anxious to hear how it goes.

on 11/6/15 4:32 pm

My doctor told me this week that he will remove my band and do a sleevesame time. He stated he has to scoops me first to make sure the band has not caused any damage lots of people have surgery in first five years because of problems with the band

on 11/8/15 5:22 pm


Just joined the group - so glad to have someone to talk to.  I had the Band installed in 2006, and had great success.  My surgeon also repaired a hiatal hernia.  Within the last 2 or 3 years, fills have been less & less effective, and the band became painful.  I decided to have it removed.  My current surgeon opted for the bypass rather than the sleeve.  Seems my stomach was climbing into my esophagus.  I had the revision surgery on September 28 (one surgery for removal & revision).  Like the other responses, I was warned that if there was an excess of scar tissue, they would only be able to remove the band in the first surgery.  Rhyan, I understand what you mean about having your addiction handed back to you.  It's been a nightmare to watch my weight slowly creep back up.

SO - here I am 6 weeks post-surgery, and 32 pounds down.  I'm finally allowing myself to have hope again.  But here's the strangest thing - I'm never hungry (or haven't been yet).  I'm having trouble getting used to this gift.

Hope to talk to more of you soon.


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