I need help.

Tammy S.
on 9/20/15 7:17 pm

On  January of 2005 I had an open RNY gastric bypass.  I weighed 328 lbs the day of surgery. I've never for one second wished or questioned my decision. I lost my weight, smallest /most steady weight  was 155 lbs. I was in a size 5/6 juniors. Qualified for abdominalplasty in December 2009. Was feeling great, life was good. I have had hernias that had to be repaired and I have had to have a couple dialations on my stoma. No matter how well I chew; chicken, french fries, and a few other things will get stuck. I've had to have several EGDS where they (GI doctors) went in removed the bolus (stuck food) unblocked my stoma and in some cases dialated it.

Over the past 4 years I have gained 115 lbs. I am currently 27 lbs. I could go into all the stress of having a handicapped child (whose 7 and my entire world) my husband breaking his back and becoming completely disables and we lost EVERYTHING! The anxiety and depression of losing a child. It felt as though we were cursed (I don't believe in that btw). My  weight gain began in 2011. Then I had a complete hysterectomy Nov other  1st 2012. As can see its been one thing after another. The last time I had my stoma stretched I felt like I lost Control of my eating. Like I couldn't get full that was 3 years ago.  3 weeks ago today I had eaten chicken fajitas for dinner and had that intense pain that told me my food was stuck. I tried everything to get it up or to get it down but by morning I was in the emergency room having an emergency proceedure to get the food unstuck. The doctor had never seen anything like it. There wasn't a large piece of un chewed  food it was an entire meal and an extremely small stoma.  My GB surgeon is a 4 hour trip so this was a local GI doctor. It took an hour and 40 minutes to get it cleaned out. The report states that my stomach pouch is extremely stretched out and that the stoma would need to be dialated again. He made it sound as though food doesn't leave my stomach and may have contributed to the stretching. However, i dont feel fullness unless I've  over eaten. I know i need some mechanical work done but my surgeon is a very proud man. He has told me from the get go that he will never do a revision.  I'm scared.  I have a 6 year old daughter and a 7 year old daughter with Sotos Syndrome who will need me well into her adult life.  I don't want a leak or a pulmonary embolism or pneumonia.  I also don't want my weight to continue to go out if control. I really feel like it's out of my control.

I am getting help for my anxiety and depression. My life is a complete mess and my weight is just a symptom of that truth. I'm getting therapy and am on medication. 

I don't need anyone beating me up. I do that to myself constantly.  But I do need support.  I used to be a regular on this site. I was an encourager and cheerleader but I don't know what to do about this Mess I've gotten myself in. I never thought for a second it would happen to me but it has. 


thank you and God Bless,






Tammy S.
on 9/20/15 7:58 pm

270 lbs. 

H.A.L.A B.
on 9/21/15 1:00 pm

Hi Tammy... **** happens - life happens.. at least you know you can't live like that. 

not sure if you want support in trying to lose weight with the pouch you have - or you want a revision..

The stretched pouch is not as big of an issue depends how big it got. The shrinking stoma is more of a problem... But small stoma - some people would like to have that..

If you are looking for a revision - then you would need to find someone else. Depends what revision you are looking for.  

But even with enlarged pouch - but small stoma -= you may try to get your eating under control. 

I know my pouch and stoma are OK... but....depends what it is -I can eat a lot and hot feel fool - or 4-5 oz makes me "stuffed"...

If I eat carbs - sugary - stuff - I can eat and eat and eat...  and eat some more...  but give me 4 oz of steak and a few bites of non starchy veggies and I am good for 3-4 hours. Meat stew -moist - I can eat a lot, but roast chicken or beef - - not so much... 

And just because i can eat a lot of some things - it does not mean I should. Measuring my food is still very important to me.  Stopping eating when  I still feel "bit hungry" helps me from overeating (it takes 20-25 min for the "full signal " for me..  waiting 30-60 min to start drinking after eating keeps me full...

Drinking between meals (when my body thinks I am hungry) helps delay the time of my next meal.. and allow the food in my pouch to move from there into my small intestines... 

accountability - measuring and tracking everything helps me to regain control... that 1 -2  Tbs of "mashed potatoes" - just tasting, right? is no longer an option for me. 

You post on a revision forum - are you losking for revision or support?  



Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 9/21/15 1:21 pm - Cedar Hill, TX

Hey Tammy,

sorry you are going through this devastation. Please Please Please find another doc to do your revision. If they are revising for Gerd certainly you should qualify. best wishes to you.

Zee Starrlite
on 9/23/15 1:44 pm

Hey, sorry for your troubles Tammy.

Sounds like you need to go to a new bariatric doctor for some enlightenment on your RNY issue.  Hmmm, how do you gain with a tiny stoma - is it not always so restricted.

I wish you the best.  BE KIND TO YOURSELF!

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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