Unsuccessful revision?

on 8/28/15 2:32 pm

Define "minimal results". When you had your revision, what was your excess weight? (Start weight minus goal weight gives excess weight.) How many pounds have you lost, and what per centage of your excess weight does that equal?

Here's something to remember: some of us were born with more efficient metabolisms than others, and every time we drastically reduce our calories, our metabolisms tend to get more and more efficient. They're always in survival mode, and by dieting we keep convincing them famines are common. Having a Band is like the most drastic diet ever.

Your problem may NOT be how much you're eating, it may be your metabolism. Fortunately for you, with the VSG you already have half of the most effective metabolic surgery out there---the Duodenal Switch. I suspect your surgeon doesn't DO the DS, since he gave an "oh well, just one of those things" answer.

on 8/28/15 6:59 pm
VSG on 03/03/15

Thank you for your input. I appreciate the info. It made me feel a bit hopeful in a crappy situation.


I was 100 lbs. overweight and have lost 10lbs since surgery. I go up a pound down a pound. I never wanted to lose fast. I didn't expect irrational results. I just didn't expect this. I have to fight like crazy to lose a lb. I do believe it is my metabolism.



Laura in Texas
on 8/29/15 7:02 am

I am sorry to hear your are having a tough time. Are you measuring your portions and tracking every single bite?? You may be eating more calories than you think.

I have a fitbit. Walking 15000 steps a day helps keep my mind in the game.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 8/29/15 11:13 am

10 pounds in five months? Yep, time to start looking for a DS surgeon. You say you eat high protein, low carbs. How many grams of each a day? How much FAT? We actually NEED fat in our diet, and fat gives a feeling of satiety like nothing else.

Check out the DS-specific Facebook groups, like Duodenal Switch Patients, and www.bariatricfacts.org. You can lots of good info there, plus a list of DS surgeons.

on 8/28/15 8:14 pm

@lauries03 and @jenbug43, did you both have your revision done in 1 surgery, or did you have the band removed and then have revision surgery a little while down the road? 

on 8/29/15 5:25 am
VSG on 03/03/15

@KattattaK I had my band removed 12/3/14. My revision was scheduled to be done at the same time, but due to inflammation and the fact that my band had slipped significantly, it didn't happen.The slippage never showed up on any of my barium swallow tests even though I had all the symptoms and multitude of issues associated with a slipped band. I waited the allotted 3 months to heal and had my VSG done 3/3/15.



on 8/29/15 6:21 am

As I am considering revision surgery, I have thought about whether or not to have removal and revision done in 1 surgery or have the band removed and the revision a little later. I suppose it would all depend on what's found once the surgeons go in. Thanks so much for your reply! 

on 8/29/15 9:42 am
VSG on 03/03/15

If I had a choice, I would do both at once. Here's why: pre-op diet is killer 2nd time around, you only have to go once under anesthesia, post op you have to be crazy dilligent to keep weight stable before next surgery. Keep in mind, some surgeons won't give you the option...and it's always dependant on swelling, scaring, etc. when they get inside. 

I know my results are NOT typical. You may have your revision and have wonderful results. 

I would like to bring something very important to your attention when considering a revision of a Lap Band...your version of full will be very different. For the short while after surgery that I felt it, it was much harder to recognize. 

I hope this helps.



on 8/31/15 12:01 pm

Do you ever feel "full".  I never ever do. 

on 8/31/15 12:16 pm
VSG on 03/03/15

@Jenbug43, I NEVER feel full now. I had a few weeks in the beginning, but that's it. I started taking a PPI religiously, still no difference. I wish I knew why we dont feel full! It's a huge reason I had surgery!!!



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