Unsuccessful revision?

on 8/26/15 10:54 am - Pikeville, KY

Do work a full time job during all this. Had a baby during all this. I do sleep better. Can tolerate meats well. Just know getting back on my feet. Not all the Doctors fault. I should have been stronger to take advantage of the gift I was given.


on 8/26/15 1:00 pm - Toronto, Canada

Amazing....you know you are totally amazing. If this happened to me (and Im a strong willed person) I would be in a padded room. So your child (or children) you are superMOM. Your job if that isnt stress enough. This is good. If you can handle these things, we are off to the races. I cant see how you have anytime for exercise. Now, I only walk each day about 5 miles. I am 7 weeks out from revision to RNY. I find it very hard to loose unless my intake is only 850 calories a day. I know, I have a small pouch and you have a larger sleeve. (been there and done that and at that time I would not loose unless under 900 calories a day). For example. I have been diligent and loosing average of 1/2 lb per day. Until last night. I made this incredible dish. (I should have known if it taste good it would have to be fattening). I took 1 1/2 oz of lobster mea (65 cal)t and 6 med shrimp (85 cal) and 30 ml of Ricotta (61 cal). Over it I had cut up 2 oz of zucchini (15 cal) and 1/2 an avacado (90 cal) with a tomato (20 cal) and baked in the oven. I checked and I was using 336 cal...guess what I did, added a pad of butter. Yup add 200 more cal. So just for supper I had 536 cal. Then add my breakfast 100 cal and lunch 150 and 2 protein shakes 320. Well I blew it for a total of 1106 cal. When I got on the scales this morning I gained 2 lbs. Give me a break. So I ask you why does it take 42 days to loose 24 lbs and in one day just over 1000 cal I gained 2 lbs. Its a fight I have not been winning for all my life.

I was just giving you an idea. That really wasn't a lot of food yesterday. Up here in Toronto we have a Dr. Poon with his incredible Protein diet. Phase one is only meat and leafy vegetables and you will give up at about 850 cal in the day. I know people that never graduate to Phase two (two types of fruit and veggies with carbs). They have been living that way for years. Once when I was on it (because I didn't want to do any more surgery), I lost 30 lbs it took 6 months. I stopped because leafy veggies and meats were making me throw up. Yes I had a few days in there were my nerves were shot and I was depressed.

I just thought I would give you something to read. If you like I will friend you so we can talk more. I really want to try and help you deal with what you have on your plate (so to speak) for now. Things will make more sense a little later.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 8/28/15 7:40 pm
VSG on 03/03/15

That sounds awful! You've had a much tougher time than me. In the end, we all want to be healthy and feel positive about ourselves. It takes it's toll emotionally, when our reality is much more difficult. I hope you find health with this surgery.



on 8/27/15 1:18 pm

I am struggling with my revision too!  Let me first say that I am beyond upset.  I had my band removed July 2nd and revised to RNY.  I was also told I would do great.  Now I'm being told not to expect to lose as much as other folks and to lose slowly.  They don't really know why revisions don't do well.  I felt like I was being shuffled out the door when I saw my surgeon last week.  I wake up in the morning and I am physically hungry.  I have no restriction at all and never feel full.  From day one I have been able to eat how much and whatever I like.  I have not and will not try anything with sugar though.  I've tried to put this out there on a few groups I am on through Facebook and really got no response at all.  It's hard to explain but I feel like I am "dieting"  which I have been doing unsuccessfully for the last 15 years and have failed miserably.  I feel like I've been set up to fail once again. it doesn't even feel like I have had surgery and then i see others posting that they can eat two bites and are stuffed.  To be honest this has put me in such a state of upset that I am having trouble coping day to day. 

on 8/28/15 7:27 pm
VSG on 03/03/15

I don't see many stories like ours. The NUT and Dr say "just do it!" With no restriction and never feeling full, I would love to know why we're supposed to rely on willpower after two surgeries! I would love to chat more.



on 8/31/15 1:52 pm

New to this site.  I had my lap ban removed this morning.   I was having alot of acid issues and ulcers so dr wanted to remove band.   I never had much success with the band.  I lost very little weight.  Even after several fills I never felt restriction. It didn't take long for me to figure out after I was banned that I could still eat anything and never got sick. I was losing some weight  very little probably from giving up soda and caffeine.  I felt so bad about myself all the time.   Band was my last resort after attempting every fad diet.  Friends an family were excited for me.  My mom bought a cute smaller clothes thinking I woukd lose so quickly.   It was so humiliating.  I felt like such a loser.  Everyone else who had been banned seemed to drop a ton of weight quickly. Dr. Kept telling to lower calories more protein which was ptretty much like most of the diets I had tried.  

Even though I had very  little success I felt extremely emotional losing the band today.  Even though in 6 yrs I had lost under 20 lbs, I guess it made it final.  Once again I had failed. Dr. Recommended I try a different kind of surgery.  After reading about your revision I'm wondering if I should.   It would be Feb. Before my ins would cover again.my ins requires 6 nutritionist visits 1 counselor visit. I have those visits scheduled.  Hate to wait but it gives me timeto decide.  It was comforting to read your blog.  Been Feeling  like I'm the only one who can't lose weight even w surgery.  

on 8/31/15 2:54 pm
VSG on 03/03/15

@Kimmw, congratulations on having your band removed! I know it is a very emotional thing. I experienced all the same feelings as you! I kept reminding myself no band was better than the horrible reflux and heartburn I would experience when my band slipped. Please consider all things, as my experience is NOT common! There are numerous people who have great success with their revisions. I don't know why there are a select few that don't feel full after surgery. I hope you heal quickly. Talk to many people and make whatever decision is best for you :)



on 8/31/15 3:01 pm

Do you mind if I ask, Did you gain weight after you had band removed?  Are you able tolrerate anything you want to eat now?  

on 8/31/15 10:00 pm, edited 8/31/15 10:01 pm
VSG on 03/03/15

Yes I did gain some weight. I think about 10 lbs in 3 months. It came off just as quickly when I did the pre-op diet. I was able to eat anything I wanted. I did enjoy having a steak or two after several years without one! Although I was able to eat bread again, I never really acquired a taste for it again. After having VSG I still can eat anything I want. It is not restrictive like the band (as far as what food you eat). 



on 9/1/15 6:24 am

So if I chose vsg, and I am still able to eat anything I want, how will I lose?.  Will I just be dieting?   Im so scared of another unsuccessful surgery.  Thanks in advance for any advice.

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