Endoscopic Revision for weight gain after having a Sleeve, any one out there whose had it...

on 8/16/15 2:54 am

I had a sleeve gastrectomy back in 2007 and it went great.....I have MS and about 2 -3 years ago, when my MS got worse, I couldn't do the same level of activity as I want to and this caused a 40-50 lb weight gain.  Its horrible bc its making the MS worse: Im falling all the time and because I have all this extra weight, I have such a hard time getting off the floor/ground.  

I used to walk a minimum of 2-3 miles a day and now its a couple blocks and totally whipped out and have to rest.  This is destroying my life bc I don't want to go anywhere bc I'm afraid of falling or that I just wont have the energy to keep up.  I've completely isolated myself and my MS fatigue is so bad that I don't enjoy life.

Thats why I want to have that new revision of the endoscopic procedure that is supposed to be really non-invasive.  I've only found one Dr in NY/out east that is doing them here.  All the others are abroad.  And Im not afraid of having the procudre done outside of the country bc I had my sleeve in Mexico, and it went great.  

I don't think even if I find anyone here that my insurance will pay bc I right on the border of the BMI of 35 w/co-morbidities.  Im pissed off about this bc I used to have a bunch of the "acceptable' co-mordbitites and eventually they will come back but MS just isn't serious enough for the insurance to warrant paying.  What angers me the most is that the MS isn't curable but most of the co-morbitties are, either with rx, life style or surgery.....but I'm here falling a couple time a week, many of the falls have been pretty bad: I thought I broke my nose a couple weeks ago when I slid and fell into a cart, the first thing I saw was blood....so that one was one of the  only ones I went to the ER for but I've had others when I'll fall, hit my head and wake up the next day and its been like 12 hours...this is so common that I don't usually seek tx bc Id be at some medical facility at least once a week....and I'm already doing PT a couple times a week...so thats enough. 

Bottom line is I can't physically move enough throughout the day to lose the weight and I've also tried those rx weight loss pills and those didn't work either..So when I started seeing stuff about the endoscopic procedure, I started to think that maybe there is some hope.

I any one has any info about that procedure, please let me know.



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