Gastroplasty 32 years ago...

on 8/5/15 1:45 pm

Hi all;

Hope this is the right board to post this:)

i had a gastroplasty (stomach stapling) 32 years ago and now am on the journey to having gastric bypass surgery. 

I am just wondering if others have done this and have any info to share that will help me on this journey as I am just in the initial steps.

Thanks for any help you can offer!


on 8/5/15 4:11 pm - Toronto, Canada

Had stapling done in 1989 and then BAM only liquids could pass into my lower stomach on jan 17 2014. It took me until July 10 2015 to have RNY. I'm so glad I did. Not losing very fast but that is to be expected with revisions. I plundered over which surgeon to go to and Once I made the decision I had to be six months free of smoking. I did it and I now on the road to recovery. No acid GERD. I am manufacturing bile again to break down the food. If you suffer from these problems, do it. I feel confident this was the right revision to do from a stapling. There are lots of us out there. All having to revise after 20 plus years. I can't say what is in store for the future but right now, RNY is the answer. Having said that, I'm 61. Young enough to do the surgery and old enough to know my stomach was useless and needed to be bypassed.

Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015

on 8/5/15 4:28 pm

Thanks for the info...nice to know there are others..I wondered if I was the only one :) 

I am hopeful that this will work out well for me..doing the gastroplasty 32 years ago was right then..need something else now:)

thanks again 

on 8/26/15 10:15 am

You posted this some time ago, so I am not sure if you will get this, but I too had the old fashioned VBG (Stomach Stapling) in 2006. Worst thing I could have done. Lost tons of weight only to gain it all back with a pregnancy. But worst than that, was the constant vomiting! Daily! ICK!

I got revised to DS in 2009, and loving life ever since!!!

What ever surgery you chose, it is much better than Stapling!

Good luck to you!!!!!


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