Looking at revision

on 8/3/15 8:13 pm - Colorado springs, CO

Hi all, I was originally sleeved 10/10/12. I lost 75lbs, which I was satisfied with. After a long battle with infertility I was blessed last Sept. with twin boys. I was back at my pre-pregnancy weight within about 2 weeks. However, since then I have gained 60lbs in about 8 months. I have NO restriction anymore! I went to my PCM and the surgeon who did my original sleeve and was told that my insurance (Tricare) will NOT approve a revision bc I was a success and it's my own fault I gained it back. Ok fine kick me while I'm down... Ugh

i had an upper GI and a barium swallow study and my pouch has really stretched. So, I'm looking at getting the DS but am looking at that costing $25k+ here.

My husband is in the Army and I'm a stay at home mom right now and we just can't afford that. I'm trying to find info and recommendations on doctors in Mexico who are experienced with VSG to DS revisions. 

The stress of twins and the weight gain has really been hard on me. I'm hungry and have no restriction. My surgeon actually told me that the hunger is in my head bc he took out that part of my stomach. Ugh! Any insight would be helpful.

on 8/4/15 11:49 am - Bellingham, WA

Hi! I had a failed lapband and I'm looking to have DS done in Mexico too. I did a LOT of research and a lot of asking around and the surgeon that's mentioned the most as being THE Mexican surgeon for DS is Dr. Ungson in Mexicali. He's more expensive than the others I researched but he also doesn't send patients off to a hotel to recover - all recovery is done in a proper hospital. That's a huge thing for me because I recovered from lapband surgery in a hotel room and was worried about infection and lack of medical supervision. Anyway, check him out. I'm on hold until work slows down a bit but I anticipate having my surgery in late September or possibly October.

on 8/4/15 11:52 am - Colorado springs, CO

That is the exact dr I was just researching last night and was actually coming to the same conclusion. I'm waiting on a call back to find out how much we are looking at. Thanks for responding.

on 8/5/15 12:38 pm
DS on 02/29/16

I am considering a VSG to DS revision. If/When I have surgery I am going to use Dr. David Greenbaum in New Jersey. Well known for revisions. His cost is under $15,000 for DS, which is wonderfully refreshing!!!

I had the lap band in 2004 in Mexico and while everything went fine and people do it all the time, AND Ungston is the only Mexican surgeon I would use, I do not want to travel internationally for this serious of a surgery, although I considered it before I found Greenbaum.

Just wanted to give you the info.

Good luck!

on 8/13/15 6:13 am

Confused. You had lapband but are revising from a sleeve to DS

on 8/13/15 8:06 pm
DS on 02/29/16

@lkarmino. I revised from the lap-band to sleeve in 2010. Was hoping I could do this without malabsorption, but no. The point of my posting was to share my Mexico experience and for the OP to know you can have it in the US for just as cheap as in Mexico with an excellent doctor.

on 8/5/15 2:07 pm

Did you know that Brooke Army Base does wls surgery? I am currently looking into it for myself.  You don't have to have a referral either.  It wouldn't hurt to call.  I called a couple of weeks ago and the lady on the phone was supper nice. 

on 8/18/15 7:42 pm - Spanaway, WA
Madigan Army Medical Center(Ft. Lewis) in WA has a huge program for WLS also. Another option available
on 8/26/15 10:34 am

Hi first, congratulations on you twins!!!

Just something to investigate: I have Tricare Prime as well. I was approved for a revision from VBG (Stomach Stapling) to DS. I had mine done at Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma WA.

My amazing surgeon was Dr. Matthew Martin. The whole process was very smooth!

You have to inquire about a program called Pathways. You can begin by calling Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma WA. Ask for Bariatric department. Then ask them for the pathway coordinator.

Wish I still had the numbers for you!

Well good luck! PS. My surgery was initially successful, but after infertility (due to tubal ligation) and needing IVF to conceive my now 7 year old daughter, and the pregnancy, I gained all my weight back as well!!

Good luck!



on 8/26/15 12:12 pm - Colorado springs, CO

Lisa, you had DS done at Madigan? Crazy I just called their coordinator there yesterday and spoke with her a little this morning. I was directed back to my PCM to get yet another referral to general surgery and then was told to have them do a doc to doc consult. It's worth a shot although the surgeon here (that did my original sleeve) told me the last time that Tricare wouldn't cover a revision since the original sleeve was a success and that I am basically a fat failure and it's all my fault. I'm obviously not perfect and food, stress and hormones are a bad combo for me but since my pregnancy I have no restriction and I'm starving all the time. I had a PA in the clinic here tell me that it's all head hunger since they took out the part of my stomach that makes you feel hungry. Ugh! I wish people could understand.

Interesting that you did IVF too and had weight gain, that is the same for me. 2 rounds and finally got our guys. I was actually my lowest 2 weeks after they were born and have gained 65 lbs in 10 months.

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