RNY to Sleeve

on 6/19/15 8:52 am - Scranton, PA

Heres my story. I had my RNY in December of 2004. I was young, dumb, didn't have options, resources, or support. There was no nutritional counseling. I followed up with the doctor once or twice. This website was available, but as far as just being able to "google" something or joining a facebook group, there was nothing.


11 years later, and 11 years older, and at a 100% regain that started within the first year, old obesity related symptoms/problems surfacing, AGAIN. My iron is way low, I was getting infusions every month but that became too costly.I am almost where I want to be in life, have the support, have options and reaources available to me.


I started my program 5/12 and requires a lot of pre-op testing which is all either done or set up, and 3 monthly weigh ins. The doctor asked me if it was 3 months or 6, because if it was 6, he would do a peer-to-peer because I shouldn't have to go on being sick. And I am seriously sick. Everyday I feel like complete crap. I'm always tired, I get winded easily, I'm depressed because of it. I have capital blue cross, and the office doesn't seem to be concerned about it. They just wanted me to make sure the doctor and hospital were covered.

Anyone else in a simil;ar situation or looking at going from RNY to sleeve???

on 6/21/15 6:56 pm

I would think they could go in and make an adjustment to the Roux limb to help you with Iron absorption but revising from a rny to a sleeve is extremely hard and rare, if at all possible in your case.  I would make sure you have a second opinion and a very experienced surgeon. 

Goid luck to you! 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 6/24/15 1:05 pm

I don't see how a revision from RNY to a Sleeve is even possible. The part of your stomach that would remain with the VSG is no longer there.  As well as the part of the intestine that would remain after a VSG being gone. You can't exactly get the part they removed back. 

are you sure you are using the correct terms for the surgeries?  Vertical sleeve Gastrectomy is what you want to switch to, correct?



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