Getting a revision; but is what happend to me normal?

Laura in Texas
on 6/11/15 7:12 pm

Even if there was a mechanical failure, you DO need to take responsibility for your eating or a revision will not help you. NO surgery is magic. Please look into getting some therapy to help you do what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off this time.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 6/17/15 10:06 am

I can't give you any real medical info on the VSG because I went straight to RNY. Now am attempting a revision. Insurance is my limiting factor. I seem to be fighting an uphill battle. My surgeons practice is fighting right behind me and even the surgeon called me personally. Eventually, If I don't give myself a heart attack just worrying and worrying about it, which is rough since I know my future entire health and life are being dictated by someone who does not even know me! 
My orginial RNY surgeon is not in network with my current insurance so I have been seeing a different RNY surgeon for the past 6 years. I have had one hernia fixed by him, and have worked endlessly with his nutritionist and and him for pain / ulcer in my pouch. I finally asked him to do a revision and he was against it. Everything he told me was meant to scare me-I would have to have an iv once a month or more, possibly a feeding tube, constant diarrhea, anything he could say to discourage me. He is even the one who ordered my Resting Metabolic Rate test which 1400 cal. a day. Even with increased activity. I don't sit still very often..  I am always on the run, walking, planting, chasing a 3 year old and a 6 year old.  I was working out in the gym but my knee started to bother me significantly and since, I already have had a knee on my right side replaced, it stands to reason the left will be next.. I would rather die first... I will take any and all issues I might or might not have with a revision over having that done!
Anyway, I am getting off topic. What I am saying is the surgeon I have been seeing, who has seem me put on lb. after lb. still does not want to do a revision. I learned that he has only done a handful of revisions in his career. 
I gave up, then pulled my bootstraps up  and went to see a different surgeon.. what a difference! This guy has done over a thousand revisions, and was very positive. He agreed that with a hundred lbs regained, regardless of how hard I try to not gain weight, I have a big metabolic issue that can only be fixed with a revision. And his office is trying the best they can to get me approved. The surgeon told me the other day, he has never had this tough a time with Tricare... He reassured me the side effects are more what like I see here with you all, even reassuring me that the bathroom issues will get better the further out I get. 

My conclusion is that surgeons make the hugest difference in revisions. The ones that have not done many and don't feel able to do it, will do everything they can to talk you out of, or scare you out of it, where as the ones who are experienced will be right there for you! My first surgeon has only done a very few revisions, the second thousands. So that might be what happened to you. You got an inexperienced one before while looking into a revision and now a new one who is more experienced advising, based on testing and need to have it done more willing to go ahead and do it. It does sound definitely like you need one, .  I would also agree with the others, a revision to a DS or eRNY are a far better way to go than just a RNY. That way you are guaranteed continued success and never have a fight to get another revision if the RNY fails in 10 years.  I don't know what your surgeon will be willing to do, but I would press very hard for either the DS or eRNY right out of the gate. 


on 6/22/15 4:06 pm - Troy, NY

I am glad that you continued and did'nt give up.  I had my rouxeny May 2002 , even had a baby in 2006, but was very successful keeping the weight off.

Then about a 2 yrs ago my weight started going up I went from 140 to 220lbs. Every doctor I seen found everything but what was causing the wt gain. Always saying I must not be eating right.

Finally after test after test they found a gastric fistula, a hole to my remaining stomach. I didnt think it could but the old stomach can reattach to the pouch.

My surgery is July 8, 2015 and Im still confused if this is considered a revision. But just keep moving forward cause only we know are body.




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