Question for former lap band people
Revision on 02/04/15
Hmm that seems a bit strange.
I had my revision the beginning of February band to bypass with gallbladder removal and none of my incisions ever looked like a goose egg or oozed. The biggest one was indented for a month, but again no oozing. My port site area was fine no more pain once it was out.
RNY on 08/08/13
I didn't have any swelling or oozing with mine either but I have heard iof others that have and most of the time it was just a hematoma or a build up of blood pooling under the skin which is usually no big problem. However if it is concerning you I would do like the others say and see your primary doc about it just to ease your mind. He would be able to tell if there is an infection or anything else to be concerned about.