my two week glucernia diet starts today
Maybe pick up some of the flavorings you can add to shakes. You can usually find at least a few flavors at the grocery store in the coffee section. Or you can order on line from Torani or Davinci both have lots of flavors. Myself I prefer the Davinci to me the Torani has a bit of an after taste to it.
with where I live in the mountains the local pharmacy only gets in the 3 flavors , I should of ordered them as it was only 56 bottles I needed ,,,,,,, at leas****ering it down it takes some of that thickness away and only causes me to gag a bit , 14 days to go till surgery im hoping I can tolerate them to be honest , it kinda sucks to be a diabetic im sure that ensure and boost come with many more flavors and cant be as metal tasting as I find these to be ,,, now If I have to drink them after surgery then I saved the names you given me ,, as my surgery is alittle more extent then just the bypass , and I not be closed my incision will be packed so im looking at 10 days In the hospital so I am not sure what I will be allowed when I come home .. thank you for the names of these places , I will check to see if they deliver to Canada
thank you Kathy as your right they are much better I have a case in my fridge from Costco but she told me maybe after surgery I can drink them but not before , so today I did better with gravol and watered down glucernia , im hoping each day it will pass , I was allowed ensure the first surgery but not this one