Self Pay Revision from VSG to DS, Questions....

on 4/25/15 3:03 am

Hello westexasgirl,

I completely understand how you feel.  I thought the same, that I'd never have to think about this again after the sleeve.  I worked so hard to lose it and thought that would be it forever.  I got lazy too And now the weight is back.

my surgery has been canceled though.  My daughter got sick with mono.  she ok but her spleen is swollen and will need rest for at least a few weeks. not the time for me to have surgery. 

Funny thing I felt so relieved.  I've been so anxious about it.  I might end up doing it sometime but right now I'm ok to wait.

I'd like to hear how it all goes for you.  wishing u a quick and easy recovery. 

on 4/25/15 3:34 am

So sorry that we won't get to meet, but I certainly wish your daughter the best. I'll let you know how it goes!

on 5/11/15 7:49 am

Please tell me how you're doing?  How did it go?  How are you feeling?  Have been thinking of you so much, and sending good thoughts your way.

on 5/11/15 4:01 pm

Thank you for asking.  I did GREAT!  It was so much easier than my first surgery.

I am going to write a testimonial for Dr. Ungson as soon as I get a bit of time.  I'll also post a few additional suggestions on what to bring/what not to bring, etc.

I would highly recommend Mexicali Bariatric, Dr. Ungson's team, Almater Hospital and their nursing staff, etc. etc.


on 5/12/15 11:24 am

I'm so happy to hear it went great.  Of course I was thinking about you the whole way because we would have been there together.  

I was there for my VSG and didn't have any problems, but great to hear it went even smoother than expected.  So of course we want to know the hard you think it has made a difference?  Would you do it again?   Maybe that seems odd to ask but if you were like me, I thought the VGS would be all I would ever need and although I don't regret it...I sure wish I didn't need another surgery.

on 5/12/15 2:37 pm

Since I'm only 12 days out from surgery, I'm still on liquids and so it's a bit soon to tell what kind of difference it will make.  I will tell you this though, I've had virtually no pain, no problems drinking liquids, no gas to speak of (other than a little bit the first day)'s all just been smooth sailing.  It will be interesting to see what the DS malabsorption feature brings to the mix.  In addition, now I have the first-hand knowledge that I can't become complacent about what I eat after I've lost weight, because yes, it can all come back!

on 5/12/15 3:38 pm

Have you gone back to work yet?  After I had the sleeve, I went right back to work when I got home from MX, but Nina was saying that most people take a week or more off after the DS.  It sounds like you did so great.  

Don't mean to get too personal but my goal is to lose 50 lbs.  Nina mentioned that after having the sleeve first, you don't loose as fast with the DS as with the sleeve.  She also mentioned that the Dr. would check the sleeve size before the DS and can adjust the level of malabsorption.  Do they discuss any of that with you also?

So happy for you and that everything went great.  It's good to hear positive experience. 

on 5/12/15 4:08 pm

I got home on Monday night and didn't work on Tuesday. I've worked since then; however, I work at home, so if I needed a break, I took it.

They re-did my sleeve. Apparently, when my sleeve was done 2 1/2 years ago, the doctor failed to remove a portion of my fundus which caused me to have far less restriction than I should have.

Yes, they thoroughly explained the expected malabsorption aspects.

Obviously, it is very early, but at this point, my rate of weight loss is similar to my first WLS.






on 5/24/15 7:55 pm

Hello hope your still doing well.   how have you been feeling?  Thought you might be on solids by now.  The other day found myself really wishing I didn't have to cancel my revision.  At the time I was so relieved but now wishing I was done with it and losing some of this weight again.  Let me know how you are doing.

on 5/25/15 6:11 am

Still doing really well  Absolutely no pain at all.  Moving to solids and doing just fine.  I've lost 14 lbs since I had surgery on April 30th. As I've moved to solids, I'm finding that I have a lot of restriction, but no problems at all drinking liquids.  Every day I tell myself how fortunate I am to have had the chance for this "do over." I'm not going to waste it!

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