I am ready to tear out my band myself, but then what?? who had revisions and what worked.?

on 4/6/15 8:05 am

I am 5 years out with my band and its been empty since November. I have hated this thing since day one.  I never really lost with it.  I cannot wait to schedule to get this thing out of me. I am yacked in more restaurant bathrooms than I can count.  My doctor was always filling and emptying.  I chewed until I couldn't chew anymore and still had issues with it.  I am thinking of the sleeve or RNY.  but RNY scares me.  what is your input on revision from band.. what worked for you??

on 4/6/15 8:46 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

I am two months out from band to bypass revision.  I had my band for 11 years, until the heart burn started and it got worse and worse even with no fill.  I also had scar tissue develop around the band, tubing and port. 

I am down 36lbs and wish I had done this 11 years ago.  The sleeve really wasn't an option with all the heartburn I had with the band.  Since surgery no more heartburn.  I feel great. 

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


on 4/10/15 8:09 am - NY

Hi Ladygodiva!

I am just heading down the road to getting my lap band removed. I beleive it will be removed this August. Had my visit to the PMD today... anyways it is going to be a very long 6 months of physician supervised dieting. That's ok I guess, it gives me time to get all the other necessary documentation together. Hearing of your positive experience gives me added hope. Thank You 

on 4/6/15 10:04 am - Vancouver, WA

Anything is better than that stupid band!!! Actually at 5 yrs out the statistics are just about the same between the sleeve and RNY so it's more up to what do you feel about each surgery. You may lose a little faster with the RNY at first but with the sleeve you just keep fairly consistently losing in a stair step fashion. Lots of bandsters end up having to go with the RNY because of the damage from the band. Many end up with heartburn and GERD issues but if you don't have those problems the sleeve is great. It is the closest to regular eating as you have a fully functioning stomach just less room and the part of the stomach that makes grehlin is removed so you tend to lose the hunger and partly cravings(tho most "cravings" are more head hunger than actual hunger). Plus you can take NSAIDs and other meds with no absorbtion issues. Of course any surgery can be eaten around but most people say the sleeve works like we were promised the band would but didn't! Personally I would pick the sleeve but wouldn't be totally opposed to the RNY either! Read on both forums for awhile and see which one fits you best and of course read what each surgery involves!

Denise M.
on 4/9/15 8:17 am

Haven't had a revision yet, but band removal happens in 2 weeks!

I just had to comment because one of the things I'm looking forward to is never having to puke in a restaurant again!  There for awhile, I thought of keeping a city map with pushpins in it for each bathroom I barfed in!!!

I was never one of those people who got to the sweet spot or had a "soft stop," that gently told them to put down the fork.  It was like fine, fine, fine, PUKE!  

My band has been empty for 4 years and I still got stuck and had to barf this past January.  It was a fancy restaurant and the bathrooms were down a long hall and upstairs!  I didn't think I was going to make it, but I did and thank goodness the bathroom was empty.  It's not bad enough to have to vomit in public, but to have to do it with people in the bathroom with you?  Ugh.  A closed stall door doesn't muffle the gagging.

I hope you get yours out and you're able to revise to something better!

on 4/10/15 8:23 am - NY

Hi Denise M

I share your feelings with puking in public bathrooms! First off most public bathrooms are gross places to begin with.

I too do not get a soft stop ... nor have I obtained my sweet spot---more like ---jam on the breaks-- with a few moments to find the nearest rest room.  This could happen with just the first 2 bites of dinner.  My issue is when I puke I have to be sitting on the toilet because the force makes more than just puking occur (if you know what I mean).  All of my fill was removed yesterday and now I'm beginning the process of getting approval for a revision to RNY. It will be a long 6 months but I am grateful for this site and all of its members who openly share their experiences.  

Denise M.
on 4/13/15 5:59 am

Oh no!  Like puking isn't bad enough, your jealous colon has to get in on the action???  I feel for you!  I also get stuck on the first bite of dinner now and then.  First bite syndrome.  Usually this happens if I'm starving and don't chew adequately.  Sometimes though, it just happens.  Dinner killjoy.

I've had an extremely burpy day today.  I cannot wait to get this thing out of me next week!

Even though my upper GI showed everything looking normal, I could see the barium bouncing up and down midway through my esophagus.  Thing is, maybe a liquid flows and moves relatively smoothly, but that does not mean the same thing for my lunch.  It apparently now likes to take the scenic route.  Which brings on the supra gastric belching.  I hate this and it makes me sound like a slob.

I'm glad you got your fill out and hope things move quickly to your RNY!

As for the sweet spot, green zone, whatever, I think it's a myth!  It definitely didn't happen for me.  Several years ago when I hung out here a lot, I made a spoof of Allergan's Green Zone Poster…  

on 4/13/15 6:25 am - NY

I love your spoof on the Allergan Green Zone 

on 4/16/15 10:18 am
DS on 11/19/14

I got the band in '08.  I never did well with it.  Constant pain when eating. Throwing up, etc.  I had it removed August 2014.  I was revised to a DS November 2014.  I am feeling incredible, never feel deprived or hungry.  No cravings.  I have normal bowel habits, I go once a day. I will be five months out on Sunday and I am down almost 80 pounds!  I was nervous about revising, but it was definitely for the best! Good luck on your journey!



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