RNY Pouch Size

on 4/1/15 5:51 am

Hi everyone. I'm 10years exactly this month out from my RNY. I recently had an upper endoscopy that showed my pouch is 7 centimeters. I was wondering what is the ideal size and what seems to be the size pouch most have. I don't remember what size it was 10yrs ago. 



on 4/1/15 7:10 am

I don't know the exact measurement - you might be able to get that from the RNY forum, but I know it was supposed to be 3 oz. but expanding over time to 1 cup maybe? I an 12 years post RNY and i can do about 2 cups + of food at a sitting..still get full but I am sure my stoma is too big because I empty out the pouch FAST. even without drinking. I have re gained nearly 100 lbs which is very frustrating.. food goes through the pouch fast but then seems to sit in my intestines so it can absorb every tiny calorie, fat or carb. even going straight back to basics is not working.. I have been trying for a year and a half.. and only gaining more.. so I have raised the white flag.. going to try for a revision.. If insurance covers it it will only be with a distal. I would rather go with a DS but I have been told they will flat out not approve that. 


on 4/1/15 9:43 am

Who is telling you "they will flat out not approve" the DS? Your surgeon's office, or your insurance company? (Does your current surgeon actually DO the DS?) I suggest you submit for the DS, and if they don't approve, they'll at least have to give you a reason why not. At that point, you can appeal. I have a couple of friends who have helped a LOT of people overturn a denial and get their DS.

on 4/1/15 12:49 pm

Now that is interesting... it was my surgeon that said that, but then I contacted another surgeon's who also said the same thing.. Dr. Shoen i am currently dealing with does distal.. but I would rather have the DS. At this point I was just waiting to see if I get approval at all then go from there. I only have a few surgeons here that do any revisions of any kind. I think there are 5, one of whom I would not trust to pull my teeth.. the others I need to check into.. One I have not contacted is Dr Chae who is a long time surgeon with lots of experience and well lots.. I am not sure what kind of revisions he does. Another only with do a band over RNY and I am not even considering such a thing! So we will see.. I am not sure if I will get an approval or not.. we have changes administrators for Tricare since my first surgery and for that one I was not in network so we will see. Thanks for the help ... I will keep everyone posted...I should have an answer soon. 


on 4/1/15 1:39 pm

I am just starting this process for a band over bypass. I will be 5 years out this November. I have gained 30lbs. I had an emergency a year almost to the day of a hernia inside my pouch. They had to put in a mesh during an emergency surgery. My new dr who I am hoping will do the revision had me get a double contrast upper GI test on Monday. The technician who performed it said he's never seen a pouch empty as fast as mine. I had to do things twice and even then he had a hard time keeping up with the barium I swallowed to take the pics lol. He said my pouch size was fine, but I emptied too fast. He couldn't confirm or deny if that's part of what led to my weight gain or not? I know I am to blame too, I know when I quit going to the gym, quit writing down what I eat, started grazing, etc. So, I am hoping that on top of turning myself back around, that a revision will give me another tool to help keep the weight off. I wish you the best...

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