Input Appreciated Re: Revision Conflict and Worries

Misty M.
on 2/20/15 9:08 am - Renton, WA

I had the same revision surgery planned - and the same phone call on Christmas eve! I have gotten a second opinion from the Center for Weight loss surgery, in Federal Way, with Dr. Srinkath (spelling may be wrong on his name) and I REALLY appreciated both his professionalism, thoroughness, and how he delivered me a ton of options that I can decide upon once the test results are in. I was in the same boat with my original as well- very little follow up.

I would get as many second opinions as it takes. Do the best, safest thing you can do. AND call your insurance to see how long the approval lasts, and who can do it, or do they need new paperwork. Good Luck!!  



on 2/22/15 12:36 am

Hi Misty,

Thank you for the reply and advise. I'm glad you posted, I would love to keep in touch since we are in the same boat so to speak. How many opinions did you seek after Swedish? Did you go elsewhere because Dr. Mann left?

I've been doing a ton of research and am learning, at least with what questions I should be asking. I originally had an open rny and it's not an easy revision, that is one reason overstitch looked so appealing to me.


Good luck with your search,


Misty M.
on 2/23/15 1:54 pm - Renton, WA

I contacted three other places before decided on Dr. Srinkanth. When Dr. M left SWL, I was pretty upset, but was advised they would have another surgeon trained by the end of summer. When I originally looked at revision, Dr. S was on my list, but I despise driving, and didn't want to go to Federal Way, but now I'm glad I did. One of the important things to me, since this is MAJOR in a way the original surgery wasn't, was full follow through. I'm old fashioned, and need people to own up to their word. His office has been great! They have always responded quickly, whereas other places haven't. Plus, his professionalism AND exuberance were appreciated.  You can tell this is what he lives and breathes. But, there is a TON of pre-reqs for him to feel comfortable cutting you open. I feel like he will have as much information as he can prior to cutting into me, preparing him for both the worst and best case scenario. 



on 2/21/15 12:36 pm

I read your whole post and understand your desire to have a local surgeon. I do urge you to get a second, or third or even fourth opinion. Get all the answers you need before undergoing any sort of revision. I also advise against the overstitch. 1st reason is that being 1st in the state isn't a good thing when speaking about a surgical procedure. Second is that it IS a temporary solution. With your gastric history you do need to get more information about what is best for your long term health. I'm sure there are fine surgeons in Wa State! Good luck!

on 2/22/15 12:47 am


I think you and the other members are right, I need more opinions. I just am not convinced about the Apollo overstitch procedure and it did make me nervous that I would be in the first group of patients in WA State to have this done. The only thing for me to do is to be proactive and to get more opinions. Swedish is the only group of WLS that I've spoken with so far.  Thank you for telling me what I already knew, sometimes the journey is rocky and we need a little push to get over the bumps and get moving again.


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