It just never stops...

on 2/6/15 6:44 am
Revision on 08/27/15

So now, not only do I have a likely slip (unfilled on Wednesday and having an upper GI done on Tuesday), my blood pressure is very high.  At my consultation, it was reading 157/104, and it's not gone down much since then.  I've never had an issue with high blood pressure before, so they had to check it twice to make sure it was accurate.  Well, at least I can add one more thing to my comorbidities list, along with degenerative disk disease, a herniated disk, PCOS, insulin resistance, GERD, and a family history of pretty much everything under the sun.

Lap-Band 2007

Lap-Band Replaced 2011

APPROVED for revision to RNY! Awaiting surgery date!

on 2/6/15 9:56 am - Vancouver, WA

I can tell you right now if you have PCOS, insulin resistance and GERD you need to forget the sleeve and go for RNY or even better the DS surgery. The DS is the best for hormone issues. The GERD may be from the slip but if not the sleeve alone can cause it to be worse. So you should probably forget it if you want success. Good luck to you!

on 2/6/15 2:02 pm
Revision on 08/27/15

Yeah, I've pretty much decided on RNY, I think.  I think I could do okay with the VSG, but the possibility of GERD scares me.  With my first band (overfilled, eventually slipped), the GERD I had was so severe I was on a PPI, had to sleep basically sitting upright, and was still having issues with aspiration any time I was in any position other than upright. Even with a tall wedge pillow with a regular pillow on top of it, I had problems.  I don't want to even take the risk that I will have to go through that again, especially since the only way to correct it is to revise to RNY. The problem with the DS is that any acid issues I'd have with the VSG, I'd also have with the DS, since it's just adding intestinal rerouting to a VSG.  I'm tired of having surgeries, lol (this will be my third time around), so I think RNY is my best chance to avoid another surgery. 


Lap-Band 2007

Lap-Band Replaced 2011

APPROVED for revision to RNY! Awaiting surgery date!

on 2/11/15 7:27 am

I have all of the above. I wish I'd done RnY or the DS to begin with. The DS was soooooooooooooo much more then though. (I was self-pay.) So I chose just the sleeve part and now have terrible GERD (which I had before the sleeve but it's so much worse now). It was 2009 so the sleeve was relatively new as a stand alone procedure. Sigh. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

on 2/7/15 11:06 am - Vancouver, WA

Oh yeah I hear ya I had mine removed a year ago and still have to sleep sitting up because I still have heartburn from hell. Just remember with the RNY you start losing the malabsoptive part after 12-24 mos. The body figures out how to start absorbing again and the little villi or tiny hair like things in the intestines start growing back. So work your tail off that first year and take full advantage of the honeymoon period! Best of luck to you!


on 2/11/15 1:15 am

I am new to these posts as I do have a confirmed slip and will need a revision to keep my weight off.  So I am at the beginning stages of research.  I went to a new surgeon who spent over an hour explaining the various procedures. I've never had a dr talk to me at length like that before, it was amazing and educational.  


But, can you please help me out with some of these short abbreviations: DC and the RNY means a bypass right?  He recommended the bypass because of scar tissue buildup that is likely at the lap band site so no chance of leakage.  He also said I wouldn't lose too much more weight with a sleeve (already lost 80) but honestly, I don't want to lose too much more weight! I never dreamed I would say something like that in my life!


He said I was a candidate for the bypass, that it would be more successful for me as I am post lap band. I will read up on the malabsorption you speak of.  


BTW, once I let the air out of my tire (so to speak), yes I'm steadily gaining a bit (8 lb. in 3 weeks...yikes) but NO throwing up and NO heartburn.  I have to say, that's a pleasure.

Ty for listening.  Good luck everyone!


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