VBG revision to VSG

on 2/4/15 10:12 am

Hi everyone. I had VBG surgery back in 2000. I have since regained most if the weight back. Gas anyone had a revision to the sleeve gastrectomy?

on 2/5/15 8:10 pm

Hmmmm. I guess no replies means "no"?  Ok. Has anyone had any revision surgery. In Calgary???

on 2/8/15 2:55 pm - Canada

im from grande cache waiting on the call for revision from gastic sleeve to rny  hopefully by april

on 2/17/15 2:47 am

Hi. Just joined and am in the same boat in Calgary. Just wondering what you found out?  VBG in 2002 and never gained back all the weight, but most has slowly come back 

on 2/17/15 3:01 am

Hi. I really haven't found out anything. I think I'm going to go to Mexico to have it done. 

on 3/23/15 2:57 pm

You know I had the VBG by Dr. Hollingsworth in 2002 so am really wondering what revisions can be done if any too. I'm not considering leaving the country at this point. Please keep us updated as to what you find out!

on 2/6/15 10:04 am
Revision on 07/05/16

There are people that have been revised from the band to the sleeve, but may not frequent this forum since surgery.  Go check out the sleeve forum.  Good luck with your revision.  Donna

on 2/8/15 5:12 am

The only former VBGer I know was unable to get a Sleeve due to...whatever to VBG had done to her stomach. She got the intestinal portion of the DS, has reached her goal, and seems to be maintaining quite easily. You might want to research that as a back-up plan.

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