New to site again, Planning a revision Any advice or help would be appricated

on 1/20/15 11:32 pm - Canada

Hello everyone my name is Kayla. I had gastric bypass surgery May 2010. I did FANTASTiC ended up loosing 170lbs i was happy healthy able to run 5kms a day aswell as going to the gym life was great and i was happy. Then about 2 1/2 years ago i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, severe arthritis in both my hands and my knees, aswell as back problems due to a car accident but for some reason i was feeling worse and worse, i couldnt run anymore, couldnt barely walk up the stairs without being in agony. I was starting to miss work so i told my doctor we had to do something so he started putting me on pills, they wouldnt work so a new one, wouldnt work so a new one wouldnt work so a new one and i could go on and on my mental health started to go downhill i was diagnosed with depression and bioplor disorder. so guess what more drugs. I was up to taking about 17 different pills a day. (only 24 btw) Some we NSAIDS some werent but i had no choice i couldnt bare the pain i felt like dying. As i took these pills i noticed i was starting to gain weight more and more over the months nothing could stop it, the pouch test didnt work, back to basics didnt work, small exersises that werent to painful, nothing could get it off. I climbed all the way back up to 340 it broke my heart i felt like a failure i felt like i was useless so i gave up just continued the pills and continued to wallow in my sarrows.  I started contacting the baratric registry asking if there was anyway to maybe check my stomach or something something had to be wrong i still dont eat as much as i used to so its not like i eat like a pig again.  Kept waiting kept waiting then eventally i got a call to go to a class i said screw it ill go maybe new info etc so i went signed all paper work and was hopeful something would come from this.

Months pasted and nothing so i gave up and thought i wasnt going to be accepted. Then recently i got the altermatom from the spouce stop the pills or i leave. so i stopped all my pills everything not one thing im on other then some tyonal for arthris. And i was shocked the pain wasnt what it used to be i get my pains here and there but hey we all do right. then I started to notice my weight was slowly droping again, even the spouce looked at me and said im looking smaller. im starting to believe all my pills caused the weight gain ( aswell as not exersizing i know)

Yesterday i decided to call the clinic and see if they had any infomation for me and they said they couldnt find my paperwork and would call back ( was in to file later) so the awesome lady that found it rushed it to a nurse so i could finally get some appointments going but when the nurse called she told me that canada doesnt do revisons... and i was lost cause i have heard of a few in canada having them but she said she would talk to dr Haygen and get back to me hour later calls me for an appointment ( missed it left message for SEPTEMBER!!!!) im trying to get ahold of them to get a sooner one so hope it works.  That is where im at right now and any questions or helpful advice is apprecated ( yes i used to have another account but for some reason its saying not in system)

Thanks alot Kayla


on 1/21/15 2:45 am - Spring, TX

Hi Kayla -

I have no actual help or advice for you...I'm just getting ready to begin the revision process (mine is from band to bypass) and wanted to wish you luck.

Kathy S.
on 1/21/15 4:10 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Email me at [email protected] and I can help you find your old account if you want

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 1/21/15 7:02 am - Vancouver, WA

Mental health meds especially for depression are horrible for weight gain so I'm not surprised. You could also have a stretched stoma or something wrong with the pouch in which case maybe they can do a repair rather than a revision. Remember too that after 12-24 mos your stomach starts to absorb calories again so you are basically working with just restriction after that. You will always malabsorb vitamins but you will start absorbing carbs and things again after that beginning honeymoon stage. Good luck to you and just keep bugging them now that they finally found you again. You may have to work harder this time but I bet you can still do it!

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