Am I Candidate for revision ???

on 1/7/15 2:40 am

I have had my lap-band somce 2007 and redone in 2010 at one year out I lost 100 lbs , I d my son in 2009 and gained alot of weight so so now i have gained back 70 of the 100 i lost U would love to do the sleeve but my appt is not till Jan 14 and I just wanted to see the people that had revisions done what made them a candidate ?

any help would be helpful I am so lost on what i can do or how i can get a revison

Zee Starrlite
on 1/7/15 3:37 am

What made us a revision from Band to Sleeve or whatever WLS  candidate was exactly what made you a candidate to have your band "redone" in 2010.  Are you having "issues" again?  Like a slip, dilation, reflux that won't resolve, erosion etc. ?  Does your insurance pay for multiple WLS?  You are not lost, you've made your appointment and that will certainly get the ball rolling pretty quick.  I would call up my insurance company to see if they would cover.  With my Band I had HealthNet - I had lots of out of pocket costs (who knew  the whole surgical team was not "in-network" ) but they paid for installation, port replacement (right after the initial surgery), band removal, and they would have paid for a revision - I think.  My job changed to Oxford/UHC Insurance and they paid for my sleeve.



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 1/30/15 7:12 am
VSG on 08/03/15

How did your appointment go?  I had my appointment and now waiting to see if insurance will approve the revision.  required to do it in two surgerys because my dr wont do in one due to risks.  So I am on the road and waiting at the red light for insurance to turn it green.  I refuse to let them take out my band or deflate it until I get the 2nd sleeve surgery approved too.  

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