Sleeve or RNY?

on 1/5/15 6:26 am

Okay here goes, I have visited different boards trying to figure out which surgery will suit me the best.  I know that I have to decide for myself, but I was wondering if I could get some feedback from revisioners.  I was told to come here for the better responses. I'll take the good with the bad. I am 5'2" and weigh 215. I have all co-morbidities including diabetes.  It's the diabetes that I'm most worried about. Please Help!!

on 1/5/15 12:17 pm
Revision on 07/05/16

Both RNY and Sleeve/DS will address the diabetes issue.

With RNY, the malabsorption lasts about 18-24 months. Only about 30% dump. I will dump if I eat too many simple carbs at a time.  And you can not take NSAIDS due to high risk of ulcers.  I miss my Aleve/Advil and have to take Tylenol for pain (which works 1/3 time). You will need lifetime vitamin supplementation and labs. Also drinking 64 oz+ fluids to prevent dehydration.  No drinking with meals or 1/2-1 hr after meals.

The Sleeve has no malabsorption, and weight loss is slower, but it's success rate is about the same as the RNY.  You can take NSAIDS. People that are graze eaters tend to not do well.

DS has the best results with amount of weight loss and maintenance, because some of the malabsorption is kept. You can take NSAIDS. You also will need lifetime vitamin supplementation and labs. Getting extra protein to prevent deficiency and 64 oz+ fluids. 


The new kid on the block is the SIPS/modified DS that's still in the investigation stages (less than 5 years) and looking very promising. The sleeve stomach is bigger and the common channel is longer (200 cm+). There is only one bowel incision, and the surgery takes about 2 hrs. You cannot take NSAIDS. Some of the malabsorption is kept (not as much as the reg DS), so the nutritional deficiencies aren't as bad. You will, however will still need to take lifetime vitamin supplementation and labs. And get in 64 oz+ fluids.

on 1/5/15 2:11 pm

Read through the pages on here and see what the vast majority of people are asking about. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 1/6/15 5:33 am
On January 5, 2015 at 10:11 PM Pacific Time, Chilipepper wrote:

Read through the pages on here and see what the vast majority of people are asking about. 

Okay Chilipepper,  will do

on 1/6/15 5:42 am

Do you have GERD (acid reflux)? If you do, DO NOT get the sleeve! I am in the second year of fighting with my insurance company over paying for a revision from sleeve to RnY. The sleeve made my GERD so much worse! And now, taking so many acid reducers has caused me to be horribly low on B-12 and iron, so I have to do supplementation (maybe infusions!) and shots anyway which is the main reason I didn't want RnY to begin with!!!  Plus I'm a grazer and have gained back 2/3 of what I lost, and I never made goal. I am not sorry I did the sleeve (in early 2009), but I would have chosen differently doing it today.

on 1/6/15 7:08 am

Ebony, Lizzie's story is very common. My point for telling you to come here is because most of the posts are VSGrs looking for a revision to a bypass.  


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 1/7/15 8:28 am
on 1/7/15 8:40 am

Thanks for sharing this with me. I had horrible acid reflux when I was banded. I don't know if I could take that b/c I couldn't take it then.  That's one reason why I had it removed, other than gaining and not losing weight. I will be talking to my Dr. tomorrow and I've never known him to bite his tongue. I will keep you all informed. 

on 1/7/15 11:54 am - Davison, MI

I had horrible acid reflux when I was banded.  But I hadn't had any prior the band.  When the band was empty and removed the reflux stopped.  I only lost 60/70 pounds with the band and gained it all back at one point.  I am done 135 pounds with the sleeve and am two years out.

I have to respectfully disagree that the sleeve is the most revised, the band is. At one point it was almost all the revisions posted. That said if you can lose with restriction only the sleeve would be the best choice as you son't have the supplementation issues as with RNY.  Also keep in mind that after 18/24 months you may lose the mal-absorption of calories but not nutrients.  At our support group the sleeve is doing as well as or better than the rny.

There are more people getting the sleeve now than the band so I would expect the rate to rise.  But if you look at enough post you will find all those very unhappy with the rny also.

When revising you need to figure out what you issues were before WLS.  What issues are due to the band.  What you need from the new WLS.


BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 1/8/15 10:43 am
On January 6, 2015 at 3:08 PM Pacific Time, Chilipepper wrote:

Ebony, Lizzie's story is very common. My point for telling you to come here is because most of the posts are VSGrs looking for a revision to a bypass.  

I erased the last post by mistake...Sorry!  I saw my Dr. today and he told me that I would definitely have reflux with the sleeve. I had it really bad with the band and couldn't take it, so RNY is on the menu. 

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