Revision of a "Candy Cane Defect " from a RNY surgery in 2007... I am very...

on 12/27/14 10:17 am - Saint Paul, MN

I had this surgery done 7 years ago and every thing was great. I was at 260lbs or so and when all was said and done, I maintained around 150 or so. I am 5'2. I had the surgery because I had acid reflex very severe. About 1 year ago I started experiencing nausea after I would get done eating. I started deleting certain things from my diet and how I was cooking them. Nothing was working. It got so severe that in August of this year, I was so weak and not eating because I was so nauseated and dehydrated, I was hospitalized for 4 days. They did a upper GI and a whole run of tests and found NOTHING. Very frustrated and still sick, I was living on zofran, ( this is a medication for nausea ) and eating cooked broccoli, (1/4 cup ) and boiled chicken breast. ( about 1 ounce ) lunch and dinner. This is my diet today. I still get very sick, but I need some protein, and some type of vegetables. I finally thought I can't live like this !!!!! I keep loosing weight. I am down to 121 lbs. I called my surgeon in November and he order some test and I had that test that you drink that barum and the radiologis****ches. When I went and seen my Dr. in 5 minutes he knew what it was that was causing my problem. This candy cane thing. It is very very rare that it happens to people who have had RNY.Today, they do NOT do surgery the way they did 7 years ago. The part I am very nervous about is, I have to go through the same surgery I had then. The same incision, same diet everything. I can't afford to loose any more weight. This really scares me..... I am just skin and bones now...

on 12/27/14 11:31 am

I hope the surgery you are having addresses your issues and you feel better.  Not sure what you mean by having the same surgery?  you are having surgery to fix your complication correct?  so not the same surgery,  why a diet, that makes absolutely no sense.  You bmi is normal and you would have to lose 20+ lbs to be underweight so not sure why you are so worried about this.  something doesnt make sense here.  I do hope you find your answers and you get some relief and no longer live in pain.

on 12/27/14 1:42 pm - Saint Paul, MN

My surgeon told me that he's cutting off  this piece they call candy cane that grew where originally was suppose to be cut completely off the first time I had the rouxeny surgery 7 years ago. Because of this my pouch will be tightened and I will have to follow the same diet as I did before. There for, loose more weight. Does any of this make sense? It is so rare that this happens, I looked it up on the web, and my Dr told me this too. Thank you for your response and concern. I too hope this will be the answer !!

on 1/20/16 11:37 pm

Hi, Did you lose weight again after the candy cane removal? If so how much and how long does it take ? Thank You !!

on 12/28/14 11:43 am

It's a blind limb. I had one. Food gets compacted in there and gets rancid. It's happen more with long term postops. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 12/28/14 1:56 pm - Saint Paul, MN

Thank you very much !!! It was very informative :) How long ago did this happen to you ? did you have the full surgery? I mean back to the RNY surgery? How long past your first weight loss procedure did you start getting sick ? I sure would appreciate if you would reply.. Thank you :) 

on 12/29/14 6:43 am

Mine was found when I was diagnosed with a gastrogastric fistula.  They are due to surgical techniques that aren't used now. My original surgery was 7 yrs ago.  I am actually in the hospital now.  I should be released tomorrow and I will message you.  


Dont worry it isn't a complicated fix. They removed mine when I needed to have the gastrectomy because of my fistula. It does however need to be removed. That was 4 months ago  



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 1/20/16 11:33 pm

I had the candy cane removal and collegian piece is now around my pouch on 10/15. I am wondering if anyone else has had this done. I lost 30 pounds the first few months however have not lost anymore. Wondering if I have stopped losing the weight or am I plateauing. I had regained after gastric bypass 14 yrs ago. I was told that I will lose weight up to a yr then have other surgeries (hernias) .  Feeling discouraged and needing reassured I guess. Thank You!!

on 12/28/14 11:51 am


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 12/29/14 8:16 am - Vancouver, WA

While it may not be normal it isn't "that" rare as I've read about it several times in my 8 yrs here on OH. From what little I've seen on it, it is repaired fairly easily. I also wouldn't worry too much about loosing alot of weight because you won't be malabsorbing this time just tightening your pouch so you will eventually be able to eat more and better food. This should help you in the long run by allowing a more normal diet. Hope this takes care of all your issues!!

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