Advice Plz: 40lbs to lose, need GB out, possible revise from band

on 12/23/14 5:50 pm

I sure would appreciate some advise or input.

I was banded 3 years ago and have lost 40lbs, have 40 more to go.  Weight loss has been slow and challenging.  I am not having problems w/band except port pain and I'm not losing weight even after low calories and multiple adjustments.  Seems I'm always too lose or too tight.  So, I'm considering a revision when I go in for the gallbladder removal. 

I'm not sure which one to get though.  I don't have a lot of weight to lose at this point, so I'm not sure I want the major surgery of the bypass. I also don't want dumping.   However, I don't want to fail again, and I feel like the sleeve might not work any better than the band did.

I would love to hear your opinion and experience that might help me make this decision

My insurance will pay for the procedures.  I am 47 and in generally good health, except high BP, controlled by medication.

Thank you!

on 12/24/14 9:50 am - Vancouver, WA

The sleeve would probably be a perfect surgery for you. You can't base anything on how the band worked because it has a 50-60 % failure rate and not being able to find good restriction is very common. It is basically a joke and a bad one at that! With the sleeve you will have a set restriction level once the surgical swelling has gone down. I'm told the sleeve works the way we were told the band would but didn't. Check out the sleeve forum here and you'll be able to see how it is working for others.

on 12/25/14 9:02 am

I wish I had the answer but I don't.  I had the band also and had it removed due to failure. I lost 45 lbs and need to lose at least 50 more. My insurance won't pay for the sleeve but it will pay for bypass.  I'm in the same boat. I'm considering RNY b/c Of the health conditions I have. I have also heard that your body knows when to stop losing and since I was once banded, I've also heard we lose slower. Keep in touch and let us know.

on 12/25/14 9:49 am - Vancouver, WA

I bet if you appealed for the sleeve that the ins. would cover it because if they cover the bypass it is my understanding that they have to cover all weight loss surgery including the sleeve and DS. They used to consider the sleeve experimental but medicare started covering it 2 or 3 years ago and so do insurance companies because medicare is the go-to place for insurance to decide if they will cover a procedure.

You may lose a bit slower but the band is such a poor form of weight loss that you may also lose just fine with a revision surgery. It may take a little longer but it is usually not a whole lot longer. Once you get close to goal you may slow down again but if you keep plugging away you can certainly get there!

on 12/26/14 1:58 pm

Thanks! I'll look into that

on 12/25/14 12:43 pm

I am getting the band out because i have had the same issues with my band.  I can't seem to find the right fill. I'm either to tight or to loose.  I also have port pain.  My insurance will pay for the removal but I don't have any health issues to speak of but am still 50 lbs. over weight.  I would like the sleeve and am going through process to try and get insurance to pay for revision.  My doctor does the revision with 2 operations so I don't really have the option of both at same time.  I am going for sleep apnea testing next month.  Good luck I know its depressing having to go through another operation I am 55 and still thinking at my age is it worth it.

on 12/26/14 2:07 pm

You have the same issues I had. I also had port pain and flare ups from it.  At 60 yrs old, I often wonder if it's worth it. But I'm not ready to give up on life yet. I still cant remember the last time I crossed my legs, or even looked nice in clothes. 


on 1/4/15 6:58 am
DS on 12/26/14

I can offer a little unique input here. I was banded in 08 and had the same issues. I lost 60 pounds after nearly 30 fills/unfills and no weight loss I gave up.

Less than 2 weeks ago I revised to the DS (I once again have 100 pounds to loose). Although it's not the same, the sleeve is part of my surgery so I wanted to give you my thoughts so far on how it feels different than the band relative to eating.

So far...

I absolutely agree that the sleeve works the way we were told the band would. I now wake up in the morning and eat food without worrying that my stomach will be too tight and food will come back up or will sit in my esophagus, it doesn't happen. When I do eat it's about 1/4 cup (this will increase over time) and it takes me a while to finish (because I'm being careful but also because I'm not super hungry or interested in food in general now) but when I do I feel satisfied / full and can move on with my life. I don't have to walk around trying to get things to pass, no pressure in my chest, no sliming, no productive burps after the second bite. I don't have a mini heart attack after I swallow a bite that I may not have chewed quite well enough. I just eat a small amount and I'm happy, I don't have to stress about it.

i think lap bands cause us to become very aware of the feeling of food passing through our upper GI and I still feel/notice it but now it's like a smooth process, as it should be. I'm comfortable when I eat and it's no longer a stressful experience, I love it! 

I think ink you could expect a similar experience with the sleeve. By the way at 10 days post op I've lost 20 pounds already (again, I have the DS) but interestingly it took me two months to loose that amount with my band, and my starting weight for both surgeries was exactly the same!

Good luck!

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