Contemplating RNY revision after 9.5 years

on 12/15/14 3:50 am

Hello everyone,


I had the RNY in 2005 and lost a total of 120 lbs going from 293 to 173.  Over the years my weight crept up to 225 where I was at for at least 7 years.  My husband also had the RNY last year and has lost 190 lbs and is totally happy with his results.  I recently started exercising and really watching what I ate and was able to lose 30 lbs in about 5 months.  The problem is I have already gained about 10 of those back.  I decided to inquire about a revision and it turns out my insurance covers it 100% after my deductible.  Any thoughts or input from anyone who's had a revision?  I am not sure if I want to revise it to a DS or if I should just have my RNY revised.  Any information or comments would be greatly appreciated.

on 12/15/14 12:44 pm
Revision on 12/10/12


I revised from RNY to DS Dec 2012. With RNY, preformed in 02 I did not get to a normal weight. I did lose 100 pounds and kept it off for 5 years. Over the course of the next 5 years I gained 60 back. With DS I have lost all excess weight. It has not been an easy road but I am glad I chose this option. For most the RNY tune-up has not proven successful long term. 

Good luck and research all of your options. 





Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





on 1/18/15 7:36 pm - FRANKFORT, OH

Whit, would you mind elaborating on what your experience has been like with this revision...I had a lot of complications from my original RnY and am afraid of that again, I vomited for about 7 months...was your revision done lap or open?  TIA


on 1/19/16 4:35 pm

Please Help with insight for the right procedure for my issues. I was 391 lbs and now i am in the low 200's...would Like to get my weight down 80 more lbs and I have ti have a panniculectomy for all this excess pounds of skin of 20lbs the doctor said that sits over 6 inches of my lap and covers my female area. I am wanting a revisioning because I will do much better and Im back eating what I should and exercising. weight just not following quickly like I need to coming well dropped 180 lbs and surgery 7 years ago. pannectculectomy will remove excess skin and flatten stomach and revision will help me reach and maintain my weight for my heart health... I had a Duodenum Switch /RNY. anyone have thoughts on revisioning after 7 years?


on 1/19/16 7:54 pm
Revision on 12/10/12


Sorry I am not sure how I can help or what you are asking me. It is also unclear what surgery you have. DS or RNY or a COMBO? I am not a Dr. and can not advise you what you should do. Only you know what is best for you. I can only tell you my experience which may not be the same for you.



Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





on 12/16/14 4:29 am - Oak Park, IL


I hope this reply finds you enjoying your day !

I like you had RNY in 2005 The last 5years the weight is coming back on ugh due to stomach stretch after a pucking session ugh lol

I did research and found that the Appollo Over Stich would be perfect for me  I will have it sometime over the next few months 

I met a young lady yesterday eve at the local support group She had the Appolo done in July and it has gotten her back on track and down 40lbs ! Good for her !! 

I hope this helps 

Peaceful day to you 

on 1/18/15 11:16 pm
Revision on 12/10/12

Hi Andy,

My surgery was open. I was terrified as RNY was LAP and I nothing to compare it to. It was no big deal my insicion was numb no pain. 

I vomited every day sometimes twice a day for 8 or 9 months. No nausea associated with it. I Either are to much or to fast. Or I just did not chew my food enough. It took me a long time to find what worked for me. Sometimes I still vomit. But not so much anymore. 

It was a rough start and the normal 3 month what the heck have I done was a year for me. But I am glad I had surgery and would do it again even knowing how hard recovery was. 

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





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