I had an RNY in 06 can I have a revision?

on 12/9/14 9:02 am - Clayton, DE

Hi everyone...can someone please tell me what I need to do or if I even can have a revision?  I had the RNY in 06 lost a bunch but have now gained almost all back...

Thank you so much for any information



on 12/9/14 2:17 pm - MD

I'm in the same boat. I would love to know this also. thanks

(deactivated member)
on 12/9/14 8:57 pm

Your first step would be to get in touch with your surgeon...or find a new one (some don't revise patients that weren't there). They will do some diagnostic testing to see if there is a mechanical issue. One they know what they are dealing with, they will decide on a plan of action. Insurance may or may not approve the revision (mine will not), so you will also have to consider your financial options.


There very well could be a solution for you, good luck!

Zee Starrlite
on 12/10/14 6:23 am

How did you gain the weight back - user error? surgery error?  Both?  If it is your diet and lack of exercise, turn the heat up and get back to basics.   To you suspect your surgery has gone wrong like stretched pouch or stoma then you need diagnostic testing.  Contact your surgeon.


All Best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 12/10/14 10:40 am - Vancouver, WA

I would check with your insurance first since there is no sense getting your hopes up if you don't have any bariatric coverage. Good luck!

on 12/11/14 12:04 am

While you're at it, you need to research the various ways an RNY can be revised. IF your stoma is stretched, there are several different methods of making it small again---but most of them don't work very well. The newest one, and the one with the best results so far, is called the Apollo Overstitch.

The form of revision called RNY-to-DS has the best long-term stats, but it's also the most difficult for the surgeon to perform. Very few surgeons offer this, so you'd probably have to travel to get it. However, it would give you permanent malabsorption of a significant per centage of calories. (You've already got permanent malabsorption of certain vitamins and minerals due to your RNY.)

But first, you need to figure out why you've regained so much. Do you journal your food? If not, start, and then post a few days' food here. It's easy to gradually start eating more and more without being aware of it.

Misty M.
on 12/12/14 12:59 pm - Renton, WA

Hi Kathy!
I too have gained weight- not all, but a little under half of what I had lost. My gain was a side effect of a terrible car wreck. However, I have a surgeon that decided on the Apollo Overstitch. It is very risky to have an RNY revision, and I don't actually have enough anatomy left to do a DS, nor was I willing to live with the side effects. 

I do agree with the other posters: find out what your insurance covers, then research to find an excellent surgeon nearby or in an area you are willing to travel, and start asking questions. That's what I did, and I'm just waiting for my insurance to approve or deny at this point. 


Good luck in your journey!



on 12/13/14 10:00 am

HI there.  I had gastric bypass surgery in 05 and am having a revision this coming Thursday.  I was afraid and ashamed to research it, but finally took the plunge.  Things are so much easier this time around--the nurses/doctors are kinder and a lot more responsive.  My surgeon did an endoscopy to see if anything was "wrong" (nothing was) and verified my pouch had stretched out. I also have a large incisional hernia and a hiatal hernia.  She is going to try to fix both hernias laproscopically and also make my pouch smaller while she's in there.  She told me I needed a tune up!  I feel confident about this and I'm looking forward to this second chance!


on 12/29/14 12:05 pm - Toronto, Canada

Hi...are you in canada or the us?  I am in ontario, canada and trying to get some feedback from those in ontario that have looked into or are in the process of this.  Thx 

295 / 169/ 175
BMI 24.9 Height 5'9"

6 pounds under goal.....I see it, smell it, taste it everyday...WoW..it's great!!!

on 12/29/14 10:11 pm

Hello I am in the US.  Sorry.....  

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